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Author Topic: New Summonds for different Dietys..  (Read 609 times)


RE: New Summonds for different Dietys..
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2005, 07:12:00 pm »
Good Aligned Wizards: Summon Celestials (Archons and the like)
  Neutral Aligned Wizards: Summon Constructs (Books for a while, then golems)
  Evil Aligned Wizards: Summon Demons
  Clerics of Lucinda: Summon Constructs (Books then golems)
   Personally, I've no problem with the Lucinda summons. Though I think it'd be interesting to have the Neutral Wizard summons shaken up with Outsiders for three summons, magical creatures for three summons, then constructs for three (just to make things interesting).
   I think the summons in general could definatly be mixed up, but with the number of deities, nine summons for each of them, and the three different Wizard Alignment summons to deal with, it would take a lot of work.
   Anywho, I'm alright with golems... but if it will silence Celgar for a bit to get rid of em, go for it. ;) (We love you man... most of the time)


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RE: New Summonds for different Dietys..
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2005, 07:36:00 pm »
I mean in the D&D world any wizard that is powerful enough will try to make a golem

And Clerics are NOT wizards.


RE: New Summonds for different Dietys..
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2005, 11:22:00 pm »
I'll burn you at the stake Zeor *grins* (just kidding)


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RE: New Summonds for different Dietys..
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2005, 05:19:00 am »
Sure thing, just making a point. Celgar's golems have saved my butt a few times anyway.

What would be nice though, is an epic wizard feat that allows the construction of a Golem that would act as a sort of second familiar. Then change Lucinda's summons to various elementals, and perhaps a golem or two near the end of the summoning spells.


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    RE: New Summonds for different Dietys..
    « Reply #44 on: August 01, 2005, 01:21:00 am »
    For neutral wizards the summon 8 is a helmed horror....?

    I beleive they can, at lvl 7, cast the spell mordenkainen's sword, that is supposed to be the helmed horror..
    Is the summon8 improved compared to the spell mordenkainen's sword?

