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Author Topic: Rules, Policies and Procedure Review  (Read 617 times)


Rules, Policies and Procedure Review
« on: March 16, 2009, 03:06:24 pm »
Over the past few weeks the teams have been spending time analyzing all of our rules and procedures.  

Some have needlessly languished as archaic solutions to problems that we experienced as a very active community.  

Some have always been difficult situations where making everyone happy was not possible.

Some were even probably mistakes on our part to institute, harming the majority of the innocent players for minimal actions of the guilty.

Some bog down time for GMs to police and thus hurt their ability to create meaningful moments for the players.

Some bog down our teams with administrative overhead that could be better spent on making the world more fun.

To this end, as we reach definitive conclusions on our reviews, we will be announcing and rolling out these changes.  This may take some time yet still, but there are some that we have quickly agreed can be adjusted and there's no reason we should not implement them right away.

As always, we will listen to your feedback. I can tell you right now that threads and posts on these forums by community members are continually referenced in our discussions.

As a final note, our focus on these adjustments have tried to aim particularly at having the existing community enjoy Layonara more and welcoming new members to have as much fun as they can.