The World of Layonara  Forums

Author Topic: In The Dark (IMPORTANT)  (Read 265 times)


« on: September 11, 2005, 06:29:00 am »
See the quest here:

And here's what it's about:

Now this is the important part.
Those who want to go on the quest... (And I'll ask that only that kind of people go who'd be interested in the situation) ... send me a PM telling me why your character would be interested in the quest and then your level and class. Thanks!

And even if you notice this post only like 10 mins before the quest, write something short anyway. I'll be keeping my eye on them.

Going to be deciding who gets to go based purely on characters and why they would be good for the quest. I'm kind of trying to go for a certain atmosphere here... and also experimenting with a new type of sign up process.

Thank you.

