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Author Topic: A note on world changing/altering quests  (Read 744 times)


A note on world changing/altering quests
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:08:58 pm »
During one of the recent GM interviews a candidate wondered if all GMs were allowed to run world changing/altering quests.
This because he had heard that this was not true and that only a few can do this.

This is not correct. Any GM can run a world changing/altering quest. However, first they must want to do this themselves. If they don't want to run that kind of quest, that's perfectly fine.

Once they decide they can and want to run these types of quests, be it WLDQs, Main Plot Quests or series like Essrantor's Veil for example, they need to check their idea with me first.
I've got many pages of unreleased lore that they can then use, as well as several loose story arcs that still need running and could be incorporated into the the idea that the GM in question has. Or in case the GM has no ideas yet (usually not the case :) ) we can use these and brainstorm.

In addition, I've got a thread in the GM forums with about 6 quest series (with about a one sentence summary per series) that a GM can pick up and develop him/herself. Each of these series must have two or more alternate endings pre-defined before the series can start. These endings by the way, may not necessarily be good endings (e.g. Dark Ages!).

So it is entirely up to the GM to take the first step and wanting to run these kinds of things.

I just thought to clarify this to the community as a whole.


Re: A note on world changing/altering quests
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2010, 09:22:44 pm »
Awesome stuff and good to know Ed. Thanks.

