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Author Topic: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!  (Read 1482 times)


Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« on: January 24, 2010, 06:15:13 pm »
Do you desire to be a part of a fantastic team? Then now is the time to read through the public version of our GM Primer here and apply to the Layonara Team as a gamemaster, or perhaps as part of the LORE team. Please reply to this thread with your application if you are interested. You will also need to send a sample quest in a PM if you are applying as a Gamemaster, as specified below.

For those who are interested in applying as a Layonara GM or to another team position but are hesitant because they feel they may lack experience, please know that we will offer apprenticeship and mentoring as needed. We don't just throw you to the wolves! So if you think you have what it takes, then give it a shot.

If you are applying as a GM, please make sure to answer questions 1-9. If you are applying for the LORE team, please answer questions 1-6 and 10-11. If you are interested in both teams, you can just answer them all! This round of applications will close on Sunday, January 31th, 2010 at 5 pm PST.

Gamemaster Qualifications:

• Has been a community member in good standing for at least four (4) months
• Works well on a team but can also take independent initiative
• Acts responsibly both individually and within teams
• Understands both the rules and the spirit of the server  
• Enforces the spirit and rules of the server when necessary
• Communicates well in text in an online environment.
• Can commit to perform GM Duties as either a part time or full time GM

Gamemaster Duties:

• Run impromptus, CDQs and quests, reward RP, assist players in game, or otherwise be active in game with your GM avatar (Part time: 1 hour/week ; Full time: 2 hours/week)
• Spend at least 2 hours per month working to help the team and community on IRC or forums (e.g. Character approvals, disputes and grievances, answering questions, providing other assistance)
• Participate in GM team discussions
• Write up quests after they are completed with detailed information for tracking.
• Keep appropriate records of character profiling, player interactions, quests, CDQs, etc.
• Communicate with individual players who may need help understanding the rules or spirit of the server.
• Check the forums regularly (Part time: at least 2  times/week ; Full time: at least 5 times/week)

LORE Team Duties and Qualifications:

The LORE Team is responsible for keeping LORE content up to date with game events and rule changes, editing current content for errors (grammatical or content errors) and creating new pages and adding the content that isn't up on LORE yet.


• Organized, responsible and reliable individual
• Strong writing skills and the ability to write in a professional tone
• Strong proofreading skills and knowledge of English spelling and grammar
• Patience and the ability to coordinate with the rest of the team via the forums and IRC
• Good knowledge of lore is an asset but not required
• Prior knowledge of Wiki Markup or a willingness to learn (It's not that hard! We promise!)
• Able to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks

Application Questions (All applicants):
(please answer in a response in this thread)

1. What position are you applying for? (Gamemaster or LORE team member)

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify.

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara?

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?

Gamemaster Applications Only:

7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? (Please note the GMing time commitments as specified under GM duties.)

9. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to Leanthar, Harlas Ravelkione and EdTheKet). Your quest should have both a start and a plot with one or more expected conclusions. Your summary should include any side things that a party can do within the quest, as well as how you would handle any anticipated situations within the quest. Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length.

LORE Team Applications Only:

10. Please describe your English writing and editing skills, and any relevant experience you have with proofreading and/or Wikis.

11. How much time per week do you have to devote to LORE editing?

All qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview which will take place in IRC or in game by February 8, 2010. Successful applicants will be notified by February 15, 2010. Good luck!

Important! Special Note About Author-Publisher Agreement
All successful applicants will also be asked to sign an author-publisher agreement releasing the work they do while in the position to the Layonara IP. All Team members must sign an author-publisher agreement before they run any events, do any writing or editing, or otherwise create content. This is for the legal protection of the Layonara IP. Regrettably, we cannot accept anyone onto the Team who does not sign the author-publisher agreement, because of the potential legal ramifications.
The following users thanked this post: Drizzlin, miltonyorkcastle, jrizz, Hellblazer, geloooo


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 11:50:13 am »
*Edit* I would like to change my application to one for a LORE team position. After a little thought I feel that I would be far more suited to this rather than a GM. When it comes down to it all I like to do is write so I think I would be a lot better at submitting/editing LORE articles then I would GM'ing. I've changed my answers to reflect this. Cheers, Spike.

1.What position are you applying for? LORE team member

2.How long have you been a member of Layonara? Almost three years (Join Date: 03-11-07 )

3.Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara? To help support the community, and for my own enjoyment (I like creating stories).

4.What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member? I'm reasonably creative, I tend to work well in groups and I'm able to lead efficiently. I would also not consider myself the typical role play/fantasy fan so I feel that I would be able to offer up a slightly different interpretation of the fantasy genre.

5.Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these? The only thing I can think of at the moment is my undergraduate degree.

6.Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role? Nope.

10. Please describe your English writing and editing skills, and any relevant experience you have with proofreading and/or Wikis. Like I mentioned, I'm in the middle of an undergraduate degree at the moment, so I'm well used to proofreading, spelling and grammar along with dealing with plagiarism as you can imagine. I'm not familiar with Wikis but I'm a quick learner.

11. How much time per week do you have to devote to LORE editing? It would change week-to-week, but at the moment I've got a lot of free time, so a good few hours per week.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 03:17:12 pm »
1. What position are you applying for? (Gamemaster or LORE team member)

I'm applying as a Gamemaster.

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify.

I have been a member for over 3 and a half years, joined in may 2006 . Active pretty much all of that except for a 6-8 months absence while I was working on a personal project.

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara?

I have had a lot of fun with the players and gms of this community. And I think I could contribute to the world by giving some to the players and gms too.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?
I'm a responsible player who will follow the rules strictly and constantly. I also try to make the best of each experience that has happened to me in this community. I love to help new people, often proposing to show them the ropes. I have run some little things with some players for pure rp at times, treasure hunts and such. I loved it and would like to do a bit more for the players.

So basically responsible, autonome, and loves to do things with player to better their playing times.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?

The only one I can think of, is that I plan to go back to school in spring. That would probably be a shortage of time but I am confident it would not impact on my time. I would still try to make the 4 hours questing whither it be through impromptus or scheduled quests. As for reading the forum.. I read while I play already, so that wont change much :D

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?

No I am not. But time providing, I would not say no to try and help where help is needed.

7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.

Very little, I have been playing pnp in many forms whither it be by the D&D books or just some roleplaying d20 style since I was 13. But I have never really Gmed any extended months lasting sessions.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? (Please note the GMing time commitments as specified under GM duties.)

At first part time GM, get the feel of things and experience, then when I'm feeling more confident of my skills, as a full time GM.

9. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to Leanthar, Harlas Ravelkione and EdTheKet). Your quest should have both a start and a plot with one or more expected conclusions. Your summary should include any side things that a party can do within the quest, as well as how you would handle any anticipated situations within the quest. Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length.

Special note. I tried my best to keep within the 300 and 500 words. But any one that has read any of my bios, knows that's like asking me to split the atom by the use of my mind only.:D It should be a good reading though. Pm sent

Thanks for the consideration.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 03:36:37 pm »
Quote from: Carillon
Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length.

This was bolded for a reason because despite our request during the last round people did not always follow it. As GM you should not only be able to run deep plots with many twists and turns, but also the simple things (which may sometimes be even more difficult than grandiose plots).

Quote from: Hellblazer
I tried my best to keep within the 300 and 500 words.  But any one that has read any of my bios, knows that's like asking me to split the atom by the use of my mind only.

Your "summary" exceeds the word count by 2,000 words. Your application will not be considered until you submit an example quest that meets the submission criteria as outlined above in Carillon's post.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 04:59:44 pm »
Sent an other one.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2010, 07:52:22 pm »
1. What position are you applying for? Gamemaster

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? 4 years, 10 months

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara?  Looking to contribute at the next level as well as increase everyone's enjoyment of Layonara.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member? Willingness to learn, extreme interest in keeping the fun factor alive for the players here.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?  Being on active duty in the Navy, I could be deployed on short notice to places that do not allow internet access but theres a pretty low chance that I wouldn't have time to prepare for that.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?  Not a member of any other Layo team.  I think I could perform my duties as a GM, without affecting my enjoyment as a player.  I do think that I would spend less time playing my characters since I don't really see my overall amount of time dedicated to Layonara as changing much.

7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.  No experience being a GM with the NWN engine.  I used to GM PnP games, but that's been more than 20 years ago.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? Part time (for now)

9. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to Leanthar, Harlas Ravelkione and EdTheKet).  Sample quest submitted via PM.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2010, 09:59:55 pm »
GM Application

1. What position are you applying for?
A.- Gamemaster

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify.
A.- Since 05/16/07 So Almost 3 years

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara?
A.- I want to be a GM, because I love this world, I want to see more and make it richer by my personal experiences, and this is the obvious step regarding this, I love story and Rp, and its my desire to help the comunity to grow and help characters to deepen development

Other of the reasons i want to be a GM is that i miss it, I've been DM for PnP from some years now, but now that time has passed getting the time to organize a group for a Pnp has become a bit hard. so I want to retake the mantle of GM on this new incarnation.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?
I enjoy Rp and I think i have a creative mind, to put things together as GM, I like to work in teams and well I think that what really has put me into taking this is that i like this place, I am organized and helpful. also respect the rules of the server.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?

A.- The main issue that i see here is that my workshcedule is variable, so the times where i would be available might change each 4 weeks or so.  The duties of the GM are somethign that is expected, but other than that I see no problems with what is expected from me, I spend a lot of times in the forums already.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?
A.- No, unless the leader of the Toran's forum counts as that. And even if it does, me and The other administrator are quite active regarding the toran comunity, so I see no problem with keeping the activities i've done before this.

7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.

A.- Since I have no Experience as GM of third edition, I am DM of the good old 2nd Edition Pnp, I like heroism, and I've held a regular campaign for some years now, unfortunately time is not as good as used to be with my Pnp peers right now, but I've been Dming since the year 2000. I have no NWN Gm experience tough.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? (Please note the GMing time commitments as specified under GM duties.)
A .- Part time for now.

9. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to Leanthar, Harlas Ravelkione and EdTheKet). Your quest should have both a start and a plot with one or more expected conclusions. Your summary should include any side things that a party can do within the quest, as well as how you would handle any anticipated situations within the quest. Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length.

PM Sent


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2010, 09:57:29 am »
GM Application

1. What position are you applying for? (Gamemaster or LORE team member)

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify.
Since Jan 2004

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara?
I have been active in Layonara as a player for a long time and I would like to be able to use my GM experience as well. My experience as a player in Layonara will definitely help me be a better GM.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?
  • I am able to devote the time to this role that it needs: this is the first time I have been able to do this.
  • I have played with a lot of different players/characters now and have a much deeper grasp of many people’s role playing.
  • I am more than happy with the rules and the spirit of the world.
  • I feel I am a good team player, and help other players in the world as well.
  • When trying to get a message across OOC I avoid jargon,  local idiosyncrasies and idioms. I have not and never will put anyone down for not understanding me: rather, I will rephrase to make my meaning clear.
  • I am an experienced lecturer, teacher, mentor and have excellent communications skills; both verbal and written.
  • My most recent work experience was as a manager of an instructional design team as a part of the Learning and Development team for a multinational  company. The team members were scattered throughout the UK, and we had many contacts among Europe and the Middle East. It was my responsibility to organise, create and deliver eLearning content from this group of people. We used various technologies to achieve this and to allow us to keep in constant contact.
5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?
My present stage in life allows me freedom to become active as a GM which I could not do previously. Real Life will (unfortunately) have to come first, and I am happy to be able to balance any future commitments with a role as a GM.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?
I am not a member of any other Layonara team.

7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.
  • I have been playing pen and paper games since before the days of Gary Gygax.
  • I have used Dungeons & Dragons since it’s first edition, both as a player and as a DM.
  • I used to DM quests in my local wargames club, of which I was a founder member.
  • I coached my son’s team to 2nd place in a UK Schools D&D competition in 2000.
  • I have played NWN since it’s launch and have played solo, LAN and internet games since, as well as designing and GMing my own worlds.
  • I meet up with a regular group of players and am one of the lead GMs for this group, using NWN to design our own world.
8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? (Please note the GMing time commitments as specified under GM duties.)
I am applying for a Full Time position.
However, if there are no posts left, I will be more than happy to take on a part time position if one of those is available.

9. Please submit an example quest in a PM
Sent as PM as requested


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2010, 11:17:21 am »
However, if there are no posts left, I will be more than happy to take on a part time position if one of those is available.
There is no minimum or maximum number of positions for full time or part time. We will simply bring on people that successfully go through the entire process and in whom we have confidence that they'll fit in the team and meet the qualifications.

This could also (theoretically) mean that we bring in nobody at all if there are no successful candidates.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2010, 07:33:35 pm »
1. What position are you applying for? Gamemaster

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify. 3 years, 1 month

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara? To give back to the communtiy and hopefully add to the enjoyment for others.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?  I'm patient, creative, have a willingness to learn, and look forward to helping others enjoy the server.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?  Nothing that would interfere with my responsibilities of GMing.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? No  
 If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?  N/A

Gamemaster Applications Only:

7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.  I have been a DM many years ago in PnP campaigns as well as a short time on another NWN server.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? Full time

9. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to Leanthar, Harlas Ravelkione and EdTheKet). Your quest should have both a start and a plot with one or more expected conclusions. Your summary should include any side things that a party can do within the quest, as well as how you would handle any anticipated situations within the quest. Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length. PM sent


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2010, 02:40:36 am »
thedagda, I have not received a PM with your quest, can you send again?


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2010, 03:31:38 am »
Quote from: EdTheKet
thedagda, I have not received a PM with your quest, can you send again?

Sent again


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2010, 09:59:37 am »
Application Questions (All applicants):
(please answer in a response in this thread)

1. What position are you applying for? (Gamemaster or LORE team member) Lore team member.

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? 4 years plus.  You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify.

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara? This world has re-invigorated my love the genre.  While I do not have the time to be a GM, I do have the time to write and proof read Lore.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member? I have been playing D&D in one form or another for 25+ years. I am an avid reader of fantasy novels and hold a B.S. Degree in Management; part of my education was in business writing.  I have been a contributing member in various aspects of my characters both in game and in the forums, offering suggestions in the Rofirein Forum and managing a part of the Angel's guild as a Guild Forum Administrator.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these? I do not foresee a conflict with my current roles with my involvement in Layonara Lore.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? No. If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?  

LORE Team Applications Only:

10. Please describe your English writing and editing skills, and any relevant experience you have with proofreading and/or Wikis.  I am native English speaker with 16 years of formal education and a strong literary background.  I have no experience with Wiki's or proofreading per se, but I am willing to learn.

11. How much time per week do you have to devote to LORE editing? Two hours to start with, perhaps more as I adjust and learn.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2010, 01:24:37 pm »
1.What position are you applying for? (Gamemaster or LORE team member) LORE team member.

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify. Nearly 2 years (joined February 2008 ).

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara? I'd like to contribute to the ever growing world of Layonara, a place where I get much enjoyment;  I think my efforts could help expand the enjoyment of others.
4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member? A great deal of my professional career was spent as a Systems Engineer, designing avionics components and systems for the military. This involved working with both the customer and large development teams to resolve (often conflicting) requirements of mission, environment, technology, and cost into a cohesive design.  As such, I have a practiced eye for both detail and consistency and am very used to working in collaboration with people of differing perspectives and disciplines.  I'm also a life-long student of history, with all the cross-referencing which that entails, and have both played and DMed PnP D&D, off an on, for 30 years.  I'm passingly knowledgeable of the published contents of LORE, though I'm certainly no expert.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these? My RL schedule is somewhat flexible, though I envision my prime hours for contributing to the work on LORE to be in the late night hours here (Central TZ US, GMT -6/-5).
6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role? No. N/A

10. Please describe your English writing and editing skills, and any relevant experience you have with proofreading and/or Wikis. Most of the products of my professional work were System Requirements Specifications, System Design Documents, and technical proposals.  These documents describe complex concepts to a widely diverse audience in a manner suitable for review, approval, and use.  I'm quite experienced in proof-reading and am very familiar with soft-copy markup as a group editing process.  I have no experience with Wiki Markup itself, but am confident I can learn in short order.  

11. How much time per week do you have to devote to LORE editing? 4+ hours a week.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2010, 02:28:36 pm »
Just a reminder that Team applications will close at 5 pm PST today. (Approximately 5.5 hours from the time of this post)

Masterjack has contacted the Team and has Leanthar's permission to submit an application in March when he returns from a work assignment, as he is currently not able to submit an application and commit to the position until then. (The above is shared because we try to be as transparent in this process as possible).

All qualified applicants will be contacted some time after applications close tonight for an interview. We'll try to get the interviews done within a week.

Good luck to all applicants!


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2010, 02:32:38 pm »
1: Applying for Gamemaster and LORE team member
  2:  I can’t believe it’s been this long, but I’ve been here nearly 5 years.  
  3: I have been here a long time and I want to try to give back to the community.  As a GM I would like to help enhance the RP on the server by maybe dropping in with some impromptu’s.  I feel those are very rewarding as a player and are not done as often enough.  As a LORE member, I’d like to help in anyway possible.  While not familiar with Wiki Markup, I am sure I can learn it.
  4: I feel I am fair minded, willing to help others, and able to work well on a team.  
  5: I have a fair amount of things going on, but I feel I can at least give part-time to Layonara.  I work on a grain farm, as such, the months of April-June and September- November are very busy.  My time would be greatly curtailed during these months.  I could still forgo playing and spend time attending to my obligations as a team member.   There are some things looming on the horizon that may interfere later on, but as of now I do not see any issues.
  6: I’m not a member of any team currently
  7: Other than playing 4 years on Layonara (took about 16 months off)  I do not have any NWN GM experience.  My PNP experience is next to nothing as well.
  8: I would be applying as part time GM
  9: Quest will be PM’d ASAP
  10: I write English rather well.  I proofread a number of technical documents for work, so I am good at reading through ideas and reforming those ideas into cohesive sentences and paragraphs.
11: I could devote 2+ hours a week to editing.  As my work is seasonal, I may be lean some months but make up for it in other months.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2010, 05:56:47 pm »
Application Questions (All applicants):
1. Applying to be a LORE team member.
2. I have been playing on the Layonara servers for slightly over a year.
3. There is a large amount of information spread out in various places in the forums (official GM responses) that haven't made it into the website because the team is overworked.   I want to help correct that.
4. I have written professionally for the game design companies.  (By "professionally" I mean I was actually paid.)   I am extremely prolific when I want to be.
5. I am specifically asking for a position on the LORE team because I do not have the time to be a GM.    I intend to add material at the pace I am able to, and no more.
6. I am not a member of any Layonara team.  And other than this one thing, do not intend to be.

10. I am highly adept at both reading and writing, and have edited wikis.
11. The time I have available will vary greatly, so this is difficult to say.  In general, however, expect a page or to of relevant information to be written or transferred a week.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2010, 06:17:26 pm »
Application Questions (All applicants):
(please answer in a response in this thread)

1. What position are you applying for? (Gamemaster or LORE team member)


2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify.

Closing in on two years.

3. Why do you want to be a GM in Layonara?

I am at a place where I can accept more responsibilities and would like to give back the the world that has given to me.  I am also looking for a creative outlet and GMing in a place I enjoy would be ideal.  I also hope to make a difference in the world and for the enjoyment of others.

4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member?

I am thorough, open minded, creative, honest, and have a good mind for balance and fairness.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these?

As I said above, I am at a place in my life where I have the time and ability to see to the responsibilities as outlined and have time to offer on a weekly basis.

6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role?

I am not a member of any of the other Layonara teams.

Gamemaster Applications Only:

7. Please describe any DM/GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. Please note that GMing experience is not required for an application to be considered.

I have been playing DnD, Whitewolf, Warhammer, Gurps, BWBfH, Gamaworld and many other games for twenty plus years.  While I have spent most of my time as a player, I have spent my share of rotations as a DM and GM.  So I have handled groups of 1 to 8 for on going quest lines that lasted up to a few years.  I also played a Live Action Role Playing (Larp) game (SOLAR) for eight years.  One year of which I spent as the Head of Plot for a campaign.  Head of Plot would effectively be Head or Lead GM.  The campaign had 40 players on average.  The games events ran Friday night to Sunday afternoon, so I am use to being involved.  I have zero experience as a NWN GM and the tools and mechanics as such.  I will require practice and help on that part.

8. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM? (Please note the GMing time commitments as specified under GM duties.)

I have the time to offer, so I will apply for full time duties.

9. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to Leanthar, Harlas Ravelkione and EdTheKet). Your quest should have both a start and a plot with one or more expected conclusions. Your summary should include any side things that a party can do within the quest, as well as how you would handle any anticipated situations within the quest. Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length.

PMs outgoing.


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2010, 01:34:13 pm »
*Belatedly* We are no longer receiving applications. Deliar's luck to all those that applied!


Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2010, 05:19:51 am »
*re-opens briefly*

In the interest of clarity.

Being on the LORE team is not the same as being on the Writing Team and writing lore. See also LORE vs lore.

Anyone wishing to join the Writing Team can contact me directly at any time. You'll be given an topic to write something about (as test for your creativeness), have to sign an Author-Publisher Agreement and if you're good enough, and I get the impression you would fit in the team, I'll consider taking you in.

*closes thread*

