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Author Topic: Lost my adamantium shield!  (Read 97 times)


Lost my adamantium shield!
« on: May 03, 2005, 04:56:00 pm »
ok...i was mining iron and my inventory became full...i switched to my axe and shield and my char dropped my big deal....i sorted everything out...dropped a pick axe and got my shield back. deposited all the iron in my ox and went back for the pick and mined 2 pages of iron till my pick big i got my ox and ascended to the first level of haven said on my right hand text box i had lost my adamantium kite shield.....FOR NO REASON. i had a entire page free and empty in my inventory! character didnt just drop the dissapeared! i would like my shield returned and if need be i have screenshots taken of my empty inventory and the text saying i had lost my shield as proof.
 thanks in the future


RE: Lost my adamantium shield!
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 05:01:00 pm »
This is a known issue and has been discussed numerous times. If this happens, after you pick up your shield you MUST save and logout and log back in, otherwise it will be gone when you next transition rooms.


RE: Lost my adamantium shield!
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 05:02:00 pm »
You did drop your shield though.  And sadly it looks like you dropped it right when the clean up script was running.  What it would have done would be mark that item with a variable to destroy it (because it was on the ground at the time that the script happened to be running).  Then on the next zone the item would have been deleted, even if it was in your inventory.
  Hmm... Orth, perhaps we can add a check in the on_client_exit to cycle through every inventory item on a person and check for the variable.  However, that would cause a large amount of lag very quickly....  Probably not a viable option.
  Again, as I we have been saying for a long time.  Make sure your inventory is not full.
  Orth and I will talk about the shield and go from there.  Give us some time.


RE: Lost my adamantium shield!
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2005, 07:19:00 am »
I am sorry RouterBlade.  We will not be returning the shield.