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Author Topic: Mountains of Madness Occurance  (Read 613 times)


Mountains of Madness Occurance
« on: February 17, 2008, 12:56:14 pm »
Over the Mountains of Madness a very large dark and swirling cloud has formed within the past few hours. As you watch the swirling it picks up in speed, not super fast but fast enough to discern the swirling of the cloud. The swirling cloud is several miles in circumfrance, perhaps as much as ten even.
 //This continues until Harlas, Ed, or myself post that it seems to have disappeared (if it ever does) and it is there every second of every day (and night) until then. Those that try to discern magic or anything like that find nothing in any way. Those that wish to travel to try and find the source realize you will be traveling in the Mountains of that a good idea? IF (if) the community wishes to explore I want to make it clear that it must be a GM lead event and the players need to schedule on the player calendar and via Harlas (around his schedule, or the teams) for this to happen.
 //I will leave it at that for now.

Script Wrecked

News Of The Dark Cyclone
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 10:47:25 pm »
News from the Bird Lord that the massive cyclone of darkness in the sky over the Mountains of Madness has began heading north and is reaching towards the Swamp of Sorrows troubles a dwarven lass as she considers the events that have befallen Alindor this year.

The Bird Lord's request for information from the mountains of eastern Alindor conflicts with one of the last dictums of the fallen hero of Bloody Gate, not to enter the Mountains of Madness, least some tragic war be started.

The dilemna remains however, whatever machination the dark cyclone is part of, will that be worse than a war?

// Apologies if it was your intention to keep this thread "clean". I wasn't sure whether this was part of the Dragon Storm Campaign or not, or where to post for it. Please relocate this post as applicable. //