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Author Topic: Furniture duplication  (Read 167 times)


Furniture duplication
« on: December 03, 2005, 06:17:00 pm »
I just opened some chests in 121 Leilon (Leilon Arms) and there seems to be two of each peice of furniture.  
For xample when I open a chest I can veiw the contents, howver it looks like there is another chest.

I turned a peice of furniture and there is another of the same piece underneath left unturned.

Will this be a problem on reset.

What about the contents of containers?


Talan Va'lash

RE: Furniture duplication
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2005, 10:33:00 pm »
I've seen this before, contents of containers are fine, as both duplicates are linked to the same list in the DB.  I forgot to post this when I saw it, but I tested it out and couldnt find a way to either cause item loss or duplication.  However, i'd bet it might cause weird things if two caracters took stuff out of the duplicates simultaneously...

recommendation:  dont try that hehe ;)



RE: Furniture duplication
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 12:51:00 pm »
This happens due to lag or perhaps double clicking on your house door before it is done loading the furniture the first time.  If that makes any sense, no real way around it.