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Author Topic: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications  (Read 389 times)


Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« on: January 02, 2008, 04:26:19 pm »
Okay, with the exception of on little change, I borrowed this from Talan's '06 application opener, but the words still apply:

While LORE has a lot of content already, there is still much more that needs to be done, and the list keeps growing!

Applications for the new LORE Team are opening today and will be open through march 2nd.

If you're interested in a position as an official LORE Editor post your application in this thread!

"So what's this LORE team do anyway?"

The LORE Team is responsible for keeping LORE content up to date with game events and rule changes, editing current content for errors (grammatical or content errors) and most important at this point, creating new pages and adding the content that isn't up on LORE yet.

LORE Editors will coordinate with Orth, OneST8 and myself to organize tasks and approve content. We will also be coordinating with Loremaster Ed and the writing team to bring new content to LORE.

Skills needed:

- Good writing skills
- A bit of patience and the ability to coordinate with the rest of the team via the forums and IRC
- Available time to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks

Skills not required:

- Fancy computer knowledge: The LORE editing syntax is very simple. As this is a content oriented position good writing skills are the most important.

We are looking for responsible people for this team since the LORE Editors will have a direct impact the public image of Layonara through LORE. Those that get urges to draw moustaches on people while they're sleeping need not apply. just kidding  

Interviews will likely be held near the end of and/or after the application period by darkstorme and myself.

For your application just put your forum name and a brief statement describing your writing/editing skills, what interests you about LORE and what you would like to see your role as on the LORE Team.

I'm looking forward to having some more help aboard!

That's it. You want the chance to contribute to Layo outside the game but don't have the cash? Here's your chance.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2008, 04:31:52 pm »
I will throw my name in the hat :)

I am all about reviewing and updating rules and information. My writing skills are fair to midland.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2008, 04:57:18 pm »
You know how I am about LORE content being spot-on, and, if I were selected, this would give me the opportunity to occasionally write during those short spurts of creativity that pop up.

In terms of grammar, I have been named a Grammar Nazi fairly often, and this would give me something productive to do other than randomly comment on General Discussion threads. :)

Everything else aside, I really would love the chance to help out in a capacity that I'd be more-or-less well suited for.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 05:44:53 pm »
I've been kicking around for a bit, and I know a fair amount of LORE...  And I'm betimes a writer, though mostly my examples that I've posted here have been in character applications.  Ah well - le sigh?

In terms of grammar, I try to be consistently neat, and I have a fair amount of spare time on my hands.

I'd be happy to help out, if selected.. so.. um..  Go Team LightlyFrosted!

(LF for Prez!)

What I Might Bring to the Team
- Some fair-quality writing.  I do a fair amount of writing, creative and essay.
- Minutiae - I don't really get bored discussing fine details of fictional history or such.  Point me at something that needs detailing, and let me rip.


- Creativity - Hey, if I'm blowing my own horn, I think I'm pretty good at coming up with stuff that fits into a setting.  Give me an idea of what to write, and I'll see what I can't do.

In short, I'm interested because I'd like a chance to contribute.  I'd like to let my writing skills be useful.  I'd like to avoid rambling on, so I think I'll leave it there and call myself succinct.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2008, 05:52:19 pm »
Clarifying note (just in case!) the LORE team is not the same as the Writing Team. So you will not be writing new stuff about kingdoms/cities/deities/NPCs.

Just wanted to clarify that, as there have been misunderstandings about this in the past.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2008, 06:23:52 pm »
Right, sorry if I wasn't clear on that. As a LORE Team member you will take what other folks have written and make it look nice on LORE, heh. Where the creativity comes in is how you choose to display the information, and how you choose to describe the systems. LORE needs good writers not because it needs new content, but because the information needs to be correctly (accurately and clearly) displayed.

Currently, very little (if any) information will be added or taken away from LORE. When the new handbook comes out, that will change. Right now I need folks that can fix things-- link errors, missing pages, etc.-- and add spice/clarity to the existing formatting in LORE.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2008, 07:44:54 pm »
oh :( I was ready to set about a full rule revision :) JOKING


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2008, 07:50:28 pm »
Yo, if someone ever sorts out my LORE account I will be happy to help with the Updating of LORE.
 I happen to enjoy making things look neat and organized. My writing is erm yeah and my grammer is just as erm, so as long as I have what the pro's already have written I can get that to the sight and fix up the links and so on.
 I warn you though, at times I will bug you all to give me more info for areas if I think they are not properly explained. basically if I see a link to a subject and it only has 1 sentance about it, I might say "that's terrible we can do better" ;)


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2008, 07:57:26 pm »
Hrm. Well, I'm still perfectly happy revising pages and updating things that I'm told to. Gives me something to do, and a way to pay back the community.

And grammar. Don't forget grammar.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2008, 07:15:52 am »
I would like to apply for one of these possitions, as for the requirements...

- Good writing skills

I have semi good english writing skills, I believe that with a dictionary and a spellchecker I can't be all that bad...

-  A bit of patience and the ability to coordinate with the rest of the team via the forums and IRC

I am pretty flexible as things are and I can usually be around when needed and coordinating with people and having patience regarding RL and such is also fine with me

- Available time to spend a couple hours a week on LORE editing and tasks

Again, as my situation is now I can devote a couple of hours on these tasks if not more, this is though only a prediction for the next six or so months as I have no idea about how RL will treat me.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2008, 10:58:32 am »
ill toss my hat into the ring as well

i can take someone elses writing and make it stylish and grammatically correct

well i think i can and then i can give back some since i have so much fun playing here


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2008, 01:35:41 pm »
Handle: s0ulz

I'll apply too, since I'm well handled with NWN mechanics and love absolute correctness in detail.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2008, 03:33:50 pm »
Just because I want to make your life more difficult and give you more people to interview, I'll apply :p

Forum name: ycleption

I have the requisite writing skills, and I can proofread and edit.
I believe that having accessible information about the game world is one of the best ways to improve immersion in a role-playing game. There is a ton of information out there, but I think a lot of it is not well-known, and I would love to help put information on lore so it becomes more accessible.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2008, 10:44:05 pm »
Well, I thought about it for a day or so, and have decided to offer an application. I know there has been a lot of interest already, but in the end I just had to put myself out there too. :)

Application for Lore Team

Forum Name: Carillon

Reason For Applying: From the very first time I submitted a character to this community, I have relied heavily on published lore. Good knowledge of server rules and world lore is so important to Layonara, as it is what allows us to blend each individual character arc into the fabric of the world, and also allows us to play well with one another and keep the game enjoyable for all. Layonara definitely has a lot of lore available to players, both new and experienced, and I would feel very privileged to have the opportunity to help the team, character approvers, and players by making that lore more organized and easily accessible. I suppose in short, I love this community and the world and want to do whatever I can to help others enjoy it as well.

Writing Skills: I definitely feel I possess the requisite writing and editing skills for the position. I've just completed my English minor at university, which means I've been doing no end of proofreading and editing lately! I have also always enjoyed helping my peers proofread and edit their own work. I have worked as a volunteer editor on a creative writing site in the past, and understand how to edit without feeling the need to change creative content, although I certainly feel capable of editing for content errors as well.

Other Skills: What else would be important to tell you? Well, I feel I am a patient and responsible individual, dedicated to the tasks I undertake and committed to communicating well with those I work with. I have the free time necessary for the position, and I feel I have a strong grasp of world lore already, which would serve me well when editing for possible content errors. I'm an independent worker, but I don't hesitate to ask for guidance or clarification when necessary, and am strongly committed to helping those I work with.

What I See My Potential Role As: I see my role as someone who will help the other teams by taking content created by the writing team and making it as accessible as possible to the playerbase. I imagine the position would include both editing existing LORE pages and also creating new ones as additional content is released. However, I am sure those who are selected will find out all the details when the time is right!

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Good luck to those interviewing and those applying, and thanks for reviewing this application! If I've missed anything glaring that needs to be addressed before interviews, please just let me know and I'll edit this!



Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2008, 03:07:23 pm »
Just throwing a quick note out here... if anyone is having troubles creating a LORE account; please PM me with your account name and I'll reset your password manually.

Sorry for the inconvenience of the brokenness of LORE' registration system.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2008, 11:53:25 am »
Alright. We'll be accepting applications for one more day, just in case anyone missed the thread and still has an interest.


Re: Now Accepting LORE Team Applications
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2008, 12:23:30 am »
Yup, been plenty of time. Applications are now closed. Darkstorme and I will be PMing those who applied to set up times for an interview sometime in this coming week.