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Author Topic: Participants of "From One" quest  (Read 1444 times)


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2010, 04:13:34 pm »
bumping - is July tenth still a go for the conclusion?


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2010, 07:51:14 pm »
Yep! :)  I'm thinking around 8 pm eastern on the 10th.  How's that work for everyone.  Sorry for the delay, I was waiting to hear back on another engagement, but I would like to get this wrapped up for those taking part.

So, if there's a better time that weekend that works...let me know.


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2010, 08:39:20 pm »
That should work.


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2010, 11:21:30 pm »
Sounds good to me.


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2010, 12:22:57 pm »
*When the group is again gathered in the rolling hills, Jennara stands clear of the three prisoners on the cart and offers a plan.*

We may be able to give the buyers what they want, but we will have to learn more first.  Those of you who are best suited to subterfuge should determine more about the odd parchments and where these men may have been taking the slaves.  Once we know enough to take action, I am prepared to be the slave being sold.

Daniel Benjamin, while others are seeking that information, we need to see to the prisoners.  Do you think we should send word ahead for one who can call on the truth prayers?

*As she listens to comments and answers, Jennara pulls out paper and charcoal to write a letter to Peace at the Prunilla temple at Castle Mask, informing her of the terrible events and condition of the village and how much they need the help of a Lucky Clover.*


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2010, 09:41:31 am »
*offers to take a look at the parchment while they speak*

//pm sent to dagda


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2010, 10:10:47 am »
Stepping a bit closer to the prisoners and raising his voice slightly, Daniel wrings his hands, making a show of glancing at the prisoners worriedly, "Commander, it shall be as you command, but I must explain the nature of the truth prayers.  First, they are the sole power of the Inquisitors and their methods are, shall we say, harsh at best.  I have seen but one man survive and he has naught but the mind of a beast and must be led to his dinner plate and bedroll like an ox." Daniel waits for Jennara to confirm her decision quietly, still wringing his hands.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2010, 03:11:30 pm »
*to Daniel, her voice is without sympathy*
Is that any worse than what these men deserve, given their admissions?
I think we should not be too hasty, as it should be the decision of Boyer's judicial authority whether questioning in such a manner is warranted, but it cannot hurt to let them be aware that a truth prayer may be needed... trafficking in women is a serious crime, and I can only imagine that the authorities will be anxious to track down whomever hired these slavers...


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2010, 07:48:08 am »
*Emwonk tries to explain his intent to Jez yet again. Holding Jez's hands with his own cold fingers and looking her in the eyes with his own electric blue eyes unobstructed by his mirrored goggles as they normally would be.*
 "Emwonk querries Jez, Blossom, flow joint Emwonk alternate localities, multiple, variable, future infinitums variable? Cognate? Jez, Blossom, recycle this locality infinitum Jez, Blossom requires?"
 *Here Emwonk pauses a moment waiting breifly for her to think about what he's said so far before going on to say more."
 "Alternate, Emwonk attempts acquisition locality equal parameters Jez, Blossom requires. Alternate, infinitums required for locality acquisition equal variable, probability excessive infinitums. Cognate?"


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2010, 08:25:31 am »
Daniel lowers his voice and meets Drexia's gaze, his jaw hard, "I understand what you speak of, my earlier speech was a bit of ruse, although mostly true, Inquisitors are not kind in their methods.  In any event the final decision rests with Section Commander Jennara."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2010, 03:34:29 pm »
*Jennara frowns a bit and answers Daniel.* Make the request.

*She then looks to Drexia, still well away from the prisoners.* Do you think you could watch for the prisoners after they have been transferred to the proper authorities?  They do not seem concerned with the prospect of trial and incarceration, and if there are those with means to free them it could be helpful to know where they go afterward.


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2010, 04:20:37 pm »
Jez keeps her eyes focused on Emwonk as he speaks, her hands slowly rubbing his as she tries to warm them.  Her smile comes easy and is warm and reassuring as she replies.
"I think you are asking me to go with you again...yes?"  She reaches up and caresses his cheek softly "I'm not one for wandering or roaming, if you're offering me a home and land to raise a family, then yes.  But, if not, you can come and visit me here as you like.  We can have picnic's or go for walks, but I always need to know where home is.  I'm not as brave as you, I can't face a prison, or go where the wind takes me.  If you're offering me that my little lightnin' bug" said very affectionately "then yes I will go with you.  Once I have seen to settling my family here.  That is not so much of me to ask, is it?"

Quote from: Nehetsrev
*Emwonk tries to explain his intent to Jez yet again. Holding Jez's hands with his own cold fingers and looking her in the eyes with his own electric blue eyes unobstructed by his mirrored goggles as they normally would be.*
 "Emwonk querries Jez, Blossom, flow joint Emwonk alternate localities, multiple, variable, future infinitums variable? Cognate? Jez, Blossom, recycle this locality infinitum Jez, Blossom requires?"
 *Here Emwonk pauses a moment waiting breifly for her to think about what he's said so far before going on to say more."
 "Alternate, Emwonk attempts acquisition locality equal parameters Jez, Blossom requires. Alternate, infinitums required for locality acquisition equal variable, probability excessive infinitums. Cognate?"


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2010, 04:26:13 pm »
*Drexia looks over to where Emwonk is trying to communicate with Jez, and opens her mouth to translate, then, after a moment, decides not to. She turns to Jennara as she addresses Drexia.*

I could do that, yes. I really think that someone should try to pursue matters in Dalanthar. So long as someone is doing that, I would be happy to stay with these three as long as is necessary.


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2010, 04:50:31 pm »
*after finishing a very detailed examination of the papers, Andrew wanders to the group and speaks, pitching his voice low so only they can hear him*

I can't sense any magic, nor did I find any invisible ink - or any that I've run across, at any rate.  It's thick paper but cheap and there is nothing sandwiched in-between.  Made quickly and with substandard materials.

Also, most of these papers are missing the destination and port of origin.  I mean, if you flip through quickly they look normal, but most dockmasters will at least put in port of origin if nothing else.  This one *he pulls out a specific paper* has the information filled in but the ink's a different shade, darker - I think it was filled in later so the ink hasn't faded at all.  So, forged.

I'm going to guess that the person creating these is feminine, artistic, or both.  *points out specific features such as the swirls and curls in each letter, the way the refined handwriting sacrifices legibility for visual appeal*  Most business documents are in block letters, or so it seems to me anyway.  This would be hard to read for a lot of people - bad for business.

And this. *turns over the papers, showing them the red ink dot on the back of each* Every one, in the same place, and the same size.  It looks like it's just a stray quill mark or that the paper was accidentally placed on a drop but that's what you're supposed to think if you only see one.  That it's on each page tells me it's a watermark for the forger.  We can use this *taps the dot*.

I think if we could trace the forger, we might be able to get some more information.  Also we might ask some dockmasters if they've seen any of these papers, trace some of their movements...


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2010, 06:17:26 pm »
*Jennara shakes her head a little to Drexia.*  Not with them; near them.  Stay low.  Be their shadow.  They won't go anywhere helpful if you are with them, should they have some means of being released.


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2010, 06:33:12 pm »
Quote from: thedagda
Jez keeps her eyes focused on Emwonk as he speaks, her hands slowly rubbing his as she tries to warm them. Her smile comes easy and is warm and reassuring as she replies.
 "I think you are asking me to go with you again...yes?" She reaches up and caresses his cheek softly "I'm not one for wandering or roaming, if you're offering me a home and land to raise a family, then yes. But, if not, you can come and visit me here as you like. We can have picnic's or go for walks, but I always need to know where home is. I'm not as brave as you, I can't face a prison, or go where the wind takes me. If you're offering me that my little lightnin' bug" said very affectionately "then yes I will go with you. Once I have seen to settling my family here. That is not so much of me to ask, is it?"
 *Emwonk slowly nods and replies*  
 "Emwonk cognates verbals this infinitum, Jez, Blossom.  Emwonk flows joint alternate entites, inclusive Jennara, Andrew good groundings, this infinitum regarding birds, Rassle entity.  Subsequent, Emwonk recycles locality Jez, Blossom.  Emwonk flows joint Jez, Blossom alternate variable future infinitums.  Cognate?"
 *waits patiently for Jez's response, gazing into her eyes to the point of daydreaming*


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2010, 06:55:55 pm »
Jez leans in and kisses Emwonk on the cheek "You know where to find me when you have time for me." She is obviously a little confused but trying to muddle through it. "You go have your fun with Jennara and Andrew."

Quote from: Nehetsrev
*Emwonk slowly nods and replies*  
 "Emwonk cognates verbals this infinitum, Jez, Blossom.  Emwonk flows joint alternate entites, inclusive Jennara, Andrew good groundings, this infinitum regarding birds, Rassle entity.  Subsequent, Emwonk recycles locality Jez, Blossom.  Emwonk flows joint Jez, Blossom alternate variable future infinitums.  Cognate?"
 *waits patiently for Jez's response, gazing into her eyes to the point of daydreaming*


Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2010, 01:51:20 pm »
* Caerwyn listens carefully to Andrew's recounting of what he's discovered regarding the captured ship papers. He takes a careful look at them himself, quietly palming one and slipping it into his pocket. He then gives Jennara and Drexia a short nod. With a short incantation, he up and vanishes; those with exceptional sight or hearing will notice him heading westward. *

//PM to dagda in process

