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Author Topic: Just a few questions...  (Read 147 times)

Rollie the gnome

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    Just a few questions...
    « on: February 26, 2006, 07:22:01 pm »
    Hello all.

    Just perusing the NWN vault and your website came up. Thought I would take a look and it looks very interesting. Before I actually write up a character submission I want to ask a few questions first. Hope I got the right forum.

    1 - Does your character need to worship a deity to get 'raised'? My character concept may take the form of one who does not have a deity and I want to know what my options are if not.

    2 - Can I write a short precise character bio AND a long backstory as well? If so, where should I post the long detailed backstory? open forums or a PM to a DM team?

    3 - If I want to create a gnome, do the str and dex modifiers take effect AFTER I create the PC? Meaning if I choose a 12 str and 12 dex when i create him will it then become 10str and 14 dex once I enter the game for the first time? Just want to make sure my stats don't get skewed right off.

    Anyways, back to my backstory, thanks and hope to see you guys soon.

    Oh yeah one more

    4 - Any post(s) that would have details as to where the evil guys and good guys generally reside? Don't want to make a backstory with a totally messed up geographical and geopolitical no-no.


    RE: Just a few questions...
    « Reply #1 on: February 26, 2006, 07:44:16 pm »
    Rollie the gnome - 2/26/2006 9:22 PM
      1 - Does your character need to worship a deity to get 'raised'? My character concept may take the form of one who does not have a deity and I want to know what my options are if not.
     Nope. You can still get raised without a deity. You will be considered "neutral" in terms of how the deity system modifies spells such as Raise Dead and Resurrection.
    2 - Can I write a short precise character bio AND a long backstory as well? If so, where should I post the long detailed backstory? open forums or a PM to a DM team?
     Why not write the long backstory in your character bio? We like to see more details than a short, precise bio, especially for some classes and subraces. Another option is to put the longer version into a Character Development thread after your character is approved. The third option of course is to write it and keep it private, then RP that background as you play. Though if you're concerned at all about content conflicts, then you should make it part of your original character submission, so the GMs can make sure you're not in conflict with world rules, history, etc.
    3 - If I want to create a gnome, do the str and dex modifiers take effect AFTER I create the PC? Meaning if I choose a 12 str and 12 dex when i create him will it then become 10str and 14 dex once I enter the game for the first time? Just want to make sure my stats don't get skewed right off.
     If you're just making a garden variety gnome, then NWN will fix up the stats. If you're creating one of the gnome subraces, then you have to keep the bonuses/penalties in mind when choosing your stats. Keep in mind we have rules about minimum levels for stats, among them are that no stat may be below 6. The NWN engine doesn't know how to deal with subraces. Those bonuses/penalties are applied once your character is in-game.
    4 - Any post(s) that would have details as to where the evil guys and good guys generally reside? Don't want to make a backstory with a totally messed up geographical and geopolitical no-no.
     The handbook is the best reference for that. Again, put it in your bio, and the approval GMs will let you know where there are problems. This is part of the reason why we have this process, so we can work out any such potential issues before a character enters the world.
      Hope that helps. :)

    Rollie the gnome

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      RE: Just a few questions...
      « Reply #2 on: February 26, 2006, 08:08:13 pm »
      Thanks for the very quick reply Dorganath. Very much appreciated.    
      Dorganath - 2/26/2006  7:44 PM    Why not write the long backstory in your character bio?  We like to see more details than a short, precise bio
       Really? cooool. heh, just remember I asked and you said write a long one. mwhuhahahaha....  ahem, back to the backstory, thanks.


      RE: Just a few questions...
      « Reply #3 on: February 26, 2006, 10:26:28 pm »
      *grins* I don't approve characters ;)
        *hides from the Character GMs*

      Talan Va'lash

      Re: Just a few questions...
      « Reply #4 on: February 27, 2006, 12:09:17 am »
      Along with the Campaign Handbook, LORE is a great resource for.. well everything!  hehe, specifically in this case information for creating characters.  The information on LORE regarding location/town/castle/dungeon descriptions is not as exhaustive as in the handbook though. - Links to get you most anywhere on LORE.  Getting Started is a great... well, getting started guide.  Though not all the content there is complete, it has many of the things you need to know conveniently linked together (and will have more when I have more time.)  A lot more convenient than digging through the stickies (and less likely to miss stuff too.)



      Re: Just a few questions...
      « Reply #5 on: February 27, 2006, 01:57:27 am »
      *launches a arrow with a blunt tip at Dorgonath, which when it hits leaves one nasty green-blue bruise on his shoulder*

