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Author Topic: Stuck in the road to destiny  (Read 102 times)


Stuck in the road to destiny
« on: January 05, 2007, 04:24:39 pm »
Hey sorry if this isn't posted on the right forum I was alittle confused about where to put this but, I hope I got it right. Anyway I was playing one night a few days ago and I dont totally remeber what happen but my character Krug got stuck in the road to dystiny. It looked like it usually did while it was loading to where I would be transfered to Hlint ,but nothing happen. So I tried hitting the remembring orb because I know that what you suppose to when you get stuck in the death void, but again nothing happened. I ran into anouther character by the name of Maelverik Rezner. I would appreciate some help.


Grid Blader

Re: Stuck in the road to destiny
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 04:39:02 pm »
*smiles*  Happened to me also.  

It happens to a lot of people.  Follow the road.  You will see the gold dragon and the women again.  Behind them is Arch ways.  You need to pass up the women and the gold dragon and got to the archways.  Pass throw the archways and you should be back to Hlint, or if you were on the quest server were every you last rested at.

Hope that helps.