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Author Topic: Update on Number of Characters Per Person  (Read 8244 times)


Update on Number of Characters Per Person
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:56:38 pm »
Greetings Everyone!
I'm writing to share with you all that the number of character spots will be extended to eight (8) from it's previous limit of six (6). This topic has come up a number of times but the large concerns were always to the matters of character development and strain on the CA team. With regards to the latter, there clearly hasn't been as much so we are going to give this a try.It is very important to note that we wish character development and roleplay to be at the forefront of play here. Empty characters will net little regardless of their accumulated levels. However, the last few extensions of trust have worked fairly well and we are looking forward to seeing what new ideas the community will come up with.

Some important notes: 1) if we decide this isn't working out well we will restore the previous limit. If we do that however, we will not force deletions. You will only have to clear spots if you wish to start a new character at a later date.2) If the CA team gets pretty slammed with apps, please remember that we are running at a reduced capacity with a number of shared duties besides the duties of our RL. If people start bumping posts because their apps are in queue, we will move them to the bottom of the stack (which is what happens as we work from the bottom up as much as possible).3) Please respect the rules of the exotic/monstrous races. Submit only during the open time period(s).Thank you in advance for your patience and consideration. We hope everyone has a good time with this! ~row (and the CA team)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 11:14:38 am by orth »

Guardian 452

Is there any way one could
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2015, 06:49:56 pm »

Is there any way one could request a character deleted to make room for another character be "brought back" ? If yes...I doubt anyone would be able to get said character back with all the levels, gear, etc they had when they deleted them. But I thought perhaps this could ease CA burden if someone just re-submitted the character that was already aproved. I also know that a character aproved 1, 2, 5 or 10 years ago might not be aproved today as it was written back then. And I supsect their would be an database issue? Maybe the name would need spelled slightly different?


Anyway.... wont know if I dont ask! :)









Guardian 452 wrote:Is there
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2015, 09:08:18 pm »

Quote from: "Guardian 452"&cid="2756754"

Is there any way one could request a character deleted to make room for another character be "brought back" ? If yes...I doubt anyone would be able to get said character back with all the levels, gear, etc they had when they deleted them. But I thought perhaps this could ease CA burden if someone just re-submitted the character that was already aproved. I also know that a character aproved 1, 2, 5 or 10 years ago might not be aproved today as it was written back then. And I supsect their would be an database issue? Maybe the name would need spelled slightly different?

Anyway.... wont know if I dont ask! :)


Absent the present situation where the character limit has gone up, this situation has come up before, particularly where someone wants to "bring back" or resubmit a deleted character. In those cases, the answer is that the character still needs to be submitted through the CA process and be approved.  Some other notes about this:

  • If it is a true "bringing back" of an old, deleted character, part of the resubmission process has to include a reason for a) being gone so long and b) an explanation for the loss of power.
  • If it is a true "bringing back" of an old, deleted character, the new character's name must be different. This is not just to avoid conflict with what's already in the database, but in fact the new character will find many things denied to them due to the activities of the old character. It's really in your best interests.
  • No items, stats, levels, property or anything else once belonging to the original character will ever be granted back to a deleted character that is "brought back"
  • If, on the other hand, you want to play the same concept but perhaps with a slight twist, this is still a new character in our eyes, but there's no issue in submitting a new character with a very similar(or the same) bio and background to one of your own characters that has been deleted.

So in essence, it really wouldn't save the CA staff any time by recycling a deleted character, except perhaps that the character bio has, essentially, already been approved before, so it should sail through the process with relative ease unless some significant details have been changed.