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Author Topic: At the Leilon Arms Inn: Bloodstone Invading Dregar?  (Read 78 times)


At the Leilon Arms Inn: Bloodstone Invading Dregar?
« on: June 22, 2006, 05:01:09 am »
*Freldo places a parchment with the Leilon Arms Inn's theme for the next opening*  [SIZE=18]At the Leilon Arms Inn and Tavern[/SIZE]  [SIZE=32]Bloodstone Invading Dregar?[/SIZE]  [SIZE=13] Wizards dressed in black giving warning of Bloodstone invasion to a drow? Civil unrest in Pranzis? Assassinations of heads of Dregarian houses? The Pranzis Officers Army Corp, pride of the land, in chaos? A call to arms issued for adventurers to assemble in Lorindar?  What could this mean?  Is the heart of the world to feel General Bloodstone's bane as the heros of Layonara are called to Arabel?  Or are other things afoot?  Those that are brave enough to take up the call to arms in Lorindar, come to the Leilon Arms Inn!  Let us meet and discuss what we know, what we don't and organize ourselves.  Speakers that wish to take the floor will be welcome to.[/COLOR]  Merchants tables available for those that wish to provide arms and weapons to the evening's guests.  Ration kits consisting of steamed rice, fish, meat, cheese and fruits with water, wine, ale and/or juice are available (350 gold per box, vegetarian option are available)  Donations for a fund to buy serious healing potions for the gathering are also greatly accepted.  Doors open at 5pm PDT | 7pm EDT | 11pm GMT | 12am BDT | 9am AEST Quest calendar event Leilon Arms calendar event [/SIZE]


At the Leilon Arms Inn: Master Ozymandia's Tales
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 04:24:30 am »
*Freldo places another flyer below the previous anouncement*  Master Ozymandias' Tales  As the Battle for Layonara draws near, the Bloodwar Historian and Archbard, Master Ozymandias, requests an audience at the Leilon Arms Inn.  Stories of times old and new will pay the patrons a visit as the Bloodwar Historian spins his lore.  What will he speak of?  Your guess is as good as mine, but I certainly won't miss the oportunity to listen in.  Come one, come all!  Doors open at 5pm PDT | 7pm EDT | 11pm GMT | 12am BDT | 9am AEST

