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Author Topic: An Advertisement for Work  (Read 153 times)


An Advertisement for Work
« on: September 05, 2007, 12:09:40 pm »
**On fine parchment in exquisite handwriting**

I need the services of an escort. All who wish to apply, meet at the Leringard Arms during the time listed below. Payment to be arranged.

Time of Meeting.

**signed and stamped with the shadow of a raven**

-Lyn Tobias


Re: An Advertisement for Work
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2007, 12:17:46 pm »
Pending the care of my own child, I will be happy to aid in your escort , as a member of the Stormcrest Guides.

Rhynnala Asantiani

//what that basically means is: Ill try to make it if I don't have work that day :)//