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Author Topic: Calendar addition?  (Read 553 times)


Calendar addition?
« on: February 14, 2008, 07:49:37 am »
Perhaps because I'm of an evil bent, I'd love to be able to check what the moon phases were at any particular time.

Playing an Aeridinite, this could be very nice to know...

As a GM, it could be just a great way to co-ordinate evil deeds ;)

Wouldn't it be nice if people automatically got nervous at certain times, knowing that the moon/s were full/dark?

How it could be synchronised with the real world, is a harder question though.


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2008, 09:26:18 am »
Actually this is sort of being worked out for the new game, but I don't believe it's been finalized in any meaningful way.

Right now, moon phases follow Leanthar's moods, so.... ;)


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2008, 12:37:58 pm »
To do this, we'd need to A) determine whether the moons are giant rocks above Layo, or mystical lights, or what, and B) if the latter, determine how the twin moon system affects Layonara's tides and such, among other things, and... Well, I just know that the nerd in me would try to find things wrong with however it was presented. ;)

But I do like the idea.


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2008, 01:02:14 pm »
They are rocks yes, but events like the Crimson Moon would suggest that they are not entirely just mundane bits of stuff circling the world.

Make sure you remind your inner geek that normal science takes a back seat to magic. ;)


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2008, 04:19:01 am »
We'll have that in the new game, but now if you as GM need a full moon, just say it is a full moon. The skyboxes we have in NW also don't show two moons BTW, so you''ll have to tell the players anyway.

You can't do eclipses and stuff without permission though.


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2008, 05:24:43 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
Make sure you remind your inner geek that normal science takes a back seat to magic. ;)

Ahhh. So, like in Xena, "a wizard did it"? ;) [/playful jibe]


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2008, 03:55:15 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
Well, I just know that the nerd in me would try to find things wrong with however it was presented.

I have the exact same problem.  My inner astronomer looked at the stuff on LORE about a moonless night (double new moon) only once every couple of centuries and decided to try to figure out how the orbits would work out for that.  It became a mess in a hurry, since it also occurs about once a century, while double full moons (the exact opposite of moonless nights) apparently occur once every three years (maybe - kinda unclear on that one, but at least that often), including the complete redirection of the motion of one moon in its orbit!  

I had to conclude that real world astronomical principles don't apply.  Layonara's moons apparently follow random orbits that are not predictable by scientific means.  My inner astronomer was heartbroken.


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2008, 05:33:27 pm »
My understanding is that these disparities will be cleared up with the handbook release, at which time we'll fix LORE to represent the correct information. (that is, we're already aware of the inconsistency, it's even mentioned in the LORE forums, but this, like some other issues, is waiting for the official, published, word before making the change.) So maybe your inner astronomer may be a bit more satisfied, though no guarantees. =P


Re: Calendar addition?
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2008, 03:49:27 am »
Nope no guarantees! Remember, deities and magic have influence, so maybe one of the moons does stop.

Or it could be just what people want to believe as it appears that way.

