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Author Topic: Deep Dwarf... Chaotic Neutral?  (Read 172 times)


Deep Dwarf... Chaotic Neutral?
« on: June 03, 2008, 05:15:00 am »
LORE: Deep Dwarf

The vast majority is evil. Those of other alignments are often cast out of the Gray Dwarf communities.

All PC Deep Dwarves must be submitted as one of the following alignments: True Neutral, ***Chaotic Neutral***, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil. The lone exception to this rule is if a Deep Dwarf is submitted as a cleric of Az'atta, in which case they may submit with a Good alignment.

I suggest this be changed to Lawful Neutral.  It would take a long long stretch to start out chaotic neutral in deep dwarven society.  Probably get beaten to death as a toddler.  Lawful Neutral Deep Dwarves however, isn't so much of a stretch, only one step away from the normal alingment vs. 3 steps away that CN would be.


Re: Deep Dwarf... Chaotic Neutral?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 07:01:12 am »
Agreed with the addition of Lawful Neutral. We'll keep Chaotic Neutral, but that would indeed need some nice explaining should somebody submit one.

