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Author Topic: Independent LORE database for the MMO and NWN  (Read 130 times)


Independent LORE database for the MMO and NWN
« on: February 12, 2010, 01:37:05 am »
Alright, based on past readings on the forum, and my own thoughts in the "what do you want from the team" that was posted by Dorganath. Here is what I propose.

I propose that two separate L.O.R.E be made. The one that we currently have (before the edits). And one that would be made specifically for the MMO. The MMO one could still be publicly accessible by the players, if they wanted to, and the information could be added as it is being done now. But the CA and GMS could rely on the NWN LORE for character approval and general game play, while the players would know that this is the lore that is in usage.

This would surely take the confusion away of what is for the MMO and what is for NWN for the players, and gms alike I'm sure.

It would also possibly take out the tripling and beurocratic searches that the CA/GMS/Players have to make when creating their characters biography and approval process and also streamline the general lore Knowledge of, this is for NWN.. that lore is for the MMO and not applicable for NWN.

Also with that in mind, maybe it would take some workload off of Ed's shoulders as he wouldn't have to look over everything making sure it's NWN compliant or MMO compliant.

I know that some of the MMO lore are already applied in game, but as of yet I think that's a low %? Since most of the MMO lore has not been made public.

I understand the need for us to know that there is only one LORE for both implementation of the game, but in reality, as long as the whole updated lore is not on, there will always be 2 different versions. The one the writers knows, and the one the general public knows. This would simply make things easier for every one I think. As the new lore is being put out in the MMO LORE database, we can still work with what we have now and Ed won't have to explain everything in triplicate stating, this is more for the MMO mindset than NWN etc.

Just my thoughts.


Re: Independent LORE database for the MMO and NWN
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2010, 03:23:45 am »
For reasons already mentioned here

Quote from: myself
There is only one world of Layonara and one "set of lore". I'll explain further below.
We started to put everything from the upcoming books on LORE now, because the handbook and other information on LORE was terribly out of date with current events in game. Our plan was to have the books released two years ago already, but due to various reasons which I will not go in to, this got delayed.
We then decided to release the book info on LORE because the situation was becoming untenable. GMs did have access to the updated texts, however players did not and had to deal with the old text. We were no longer able to use significant parts of the old text because the original writers had refused to sign over their writings for us to use.
Keeping this text for use was therefore not an option and it had to be replaced. This affected many deities and is probably the cause of most of the pain .
As for the workload and the comment that I am trying to do it all myself.

To conclude, there are no "two separate sets of lore". Many a deity was rewritten for reasons explained above. Those that were not rewritten were expanded upon so we decided to put everything up, and not just the ones that we had to replace because of copyright issues.
Realm, world, NPC wise nothing has been retconned or changed because of rewrites so I am thinking there is no pain there. Except for the fact that most of it is still old and outdated, but that is being worked on.

With regards to the confusion, I've been hearing a lot about confusion but have not been given any specific examples, nor do I see a whole lot of questions in the "Ask the gamemaster" forums or the "Ask the Loremaster" threads inside that part of the forums.

So, if there is so much confusion, I have to wonder why there aren't tons of questions being asked?