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Author Topic: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link  (Read 214 times)


Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« on: July 19, 2006, 12:18:00 pm »
If LORE accounts could be associated with forum accounts, links to a user's characters could be provided on their user profile page - which would be a major timesaver on the forum.  It's a minor functionality thing, but I would like to see it implemented/help implement it, if necessary.



Re: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 09:21:39 am »
Seconded, with a major thumbs-up from yours truly.


RE: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 04:11:09 pm »
The forums and LORE are so different in so many fundamental ways. To integrate the two account setups would be a non-trivial task. Particularly the bi-directional nature of the request, not only would both sites have to use the same authentication tables but also know how each other works internally.

It's pretty safe to say this level of wiki and forum integration won't happen anytime soon.

You can rest assurred though that this exact issue (two login accounts) was one of the most deliberated topics before the launch of LORE. It was decided that LORE was too valuable to not have it at all.

I'm really very sorry but we're all just going to have to survive without the account integration.

There is a trick to the forums though that can help greatly with linking to any LORE page (including profiles etc).

You can make a link to my personal LORE page by typing "[ LORE=OneST8 ]" (without the spaces after the [ and before the ]) which the forums turn into the nice [LORE=OneST8] link you see.

To link to my actual LORE Profile (char list etc) just type "[ LORE=Profile/OneST8 ]" [LORE=Profile/OneST8].

Again, I'm sorry that we won't be able to rememdy the overall issue anytime soon.

Pen N Popper

RE: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2006, 06:02:25 am »
I often have need to send forum PMs to the recipients of my newsletters. To facilitate the conversion from LORE back to forum name, could there be a field in the LORE settings page where a player can hand type their forum nickname? This would then show up on that player's LORE page. Yes it would not be automatic, but a step in the right direction.


RE: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2006, 09:49:44 am »
Pen N Popper - 12/16/2006  9:02 AM

I often have need to send forum PMs to the recipients of my newsletters.  To facilitate the conversion from LORE back to forum name, could there be a field in the LORE settings page where a player can hand type their forum nickname?  This would then show up on that player's LORE page.  Yes it would not be automatic, but a step in the right direction.

If I'm understanding this correctly, you'd like to be able to put your forum name in LORE so that LORE can link back to a forum pm that's pre-filled in with your forum name. This on the surface is not all that complicated but is certainly a bit of work; both on my part and on the part of the end users. The trickyness comes in with the fact that on the forums, everything is done via the account id numbers and not your account name. So, as an example, "OneST8" is actually account #273. You can verify this by checking a link to your forum's profile; in the URL bar will be a "uid=#" number and it's that which we need in order to do the cross linkage.

Overall though this can be a good idea if implemented right. I'm not sure when I'll be able to invest the time but I'll put it on my list of bigger LORE things to do.

Thanks for bringing it up Pen N Popper.

Pen N Popper

RE: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2006, 02:00:26 pm »
This "good" idea is likely one of those things that would not get overmuch use. It took me some time but I made the conversion by hand on my page.


RE: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2007, 10:04:41 pm »
OneST8 - 7/20/2006  7:11 PM  You can make a link to my personal LORE page by typing "[ LORE=OneST8 ]" (without the spaces after the [ and before the ]) which the forums turn into the nice [LORE=OneST8] link you see.  To link to my actual LORE Profile (char list etc) just type "[ LORE=Profile/OneST8 ]" [LORE=Profile/OneST8].  Again, I'm sorry that we won't be able to rememdy the overall issue anytime soon.
 could that acutaly work with the character names under the advatar?


RE: Another LORE/Layonaraonline link
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2007, 02:23:11 am »
Let's try a random few in no particular order and see :)

[LORE=Brac'ar Fireface]
[LORE=Plenarius Ashaley]
[LORE=Trysk Yaeger]
[LORE=Triba Gues]
[LORE=Connor Garvill]

Seems to work for me!

Hope that answers your question! :D

