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Author Topic: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage  (Read 135 times)


Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« on: March 08, 2007, 02:43:08 pm »
Greetings all.

I brought it up last night and it got some positive feedback.

Since we have ships to take us around the ports for approximately 350true, how about we set up some Horse and Carriage system for approximately 100true to make traversing through certain regions more efficient.

I realise part of the fun is avoiding dangers whilst travelling so these paths can be flagged as too dangerous for travel.  However, safer routes such as Hlint to Leringard to Llast, to Wayfare..etc might all be part of a safe transport route.  I get a little lazy and my time online is limited so anything to speed transport will be fortuitous in my opinion.

You could even spice a Horse & Carriage system with an element of risk where there might be a 5% chance of a goblin AMbush or Gnoll raid.

Anyway these are just some thoughts.  



Re: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 05:49:59 pm »
"...Since we have ships to take us around the ports for approximately 350true, how about we set up some Horse and Carriage system for approximately 100true to make traversing through certain regions more efficient. ..."

That is one of my plans that I would like to get put in.. and for right around that cost as well.


RE: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 05:52:15 pm »
Polak76 - 3/8/2007  5:43 PM
You could even spice a Horse & Carriage system with an element of risk where there might be a 5% chance of a goblin AMbush or Gnoll raid.

Initially, I was going to be negative, but I can see this working.  The only problem with said raid that I can see is someone traipsing along the path which the horse and carriage would take, and suddenly having it spawn on top of them, along with a raiding party.

There are several ways around this, but they might contribute to server lag... and that aside, there are some possibly exploitable problems (which I won't mention here.)  Nevertheless, I think it's a neat idea.  Though probably around 20 gp for a trip, since shipboard passage is 34-37gp.

Edit:  Yay!  Implementable goodness!


RE: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 05:56:05 pm »
Chances are such ambushes would happen in dedicated ambush areas.
  We wouldn't drop a raiding party on other characters at random.


Re: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 06:11:25 pm »
That's what I thought... the exploitable solution was to create a duplicate of, say, Lake Palden Palden Lake and run the ambush there, but it makes more sense to have an "in-between" area where it would take place.  Pity, though... otherwise, someone travelling on foot could stumble across the ambush and give aid to those under siege.


RE: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 06:31:29 pm »
Yeah, or someone would camp the known ambush areas and kill-steal, loot-steal or any number of other negative behaviors and then hide behind, "we came to help, we just took our fair share."
  There are just too many possible problems with having carriage ambushes happen in "live" areas, so chances are real good that they won't happen that way.


Re: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2007, 07:05:42 pm »
Excellent.  Nice to know this idea is/has already been instigated.
Nice work!  


RE: Trasportation options - Horse and Carriage
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 10:01:17 pm »
Dorganath - 3/8/2007  9:31 PM    Yeah, or someone would camp the known ambush areas and kill-steal, loot-steal or any number of other negative behaviors and then hide behind, "we came to help, we just took our fair share."
 True enough.  *sighs*  I can think of a number of ways to check areas for habitation before dropping a spawn in, but I don't know how PW-friendly they are.  I wish you didn't have to code around people doing things like that, but such is life.  *secretly covets his dreams of Kell leaping from the night to aid the beleaguered travellers, and vanishing into the night again, leaving only a "K" scratched on the side of the stagecoach...*