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Author Topic: A Temple District in Port Hempstead  (Read 355 times)


A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:13:12 am »
With Port Hempstead now becoming the "main city", for most players, and it being made one of the two starting areas, I would suggest expanding the city itself with an additional area. Namely, a Temple District. I have many times felt that my Cleric of Aeridin is somewhat incomplete without a temple to call her "home" (the tiny hole in the the forest grove I am very reluctant to even call a temple), and I am sure many followers of other faiths feel the same. This Temple District could contain several temples of the main deities, making many players feel more satisfied, as their Cleric, Paladin, or Monk has a place to go to, and feel at ease. Naturally, not all temples can exist in this district, as some faiths are severely clashing, or are even considered thoroughly evil, and some faiths do not have structural temples per se, but I believe most of them could actually fit in there and would effectively complement the city as a whole, making it feel more like the acting capital it is turning into.


Re: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 06:18:23 am »
There are actually "proper" temples of Aeridin around the world.

One of the easiest one to reach can be found in North Point (eh... at least, it's called North Point before... Not sure whether the town has changed named in V3 or not!).

The probably biggest one is of course in Voltrex (elven god, after all!) but that one can be a little bit tricky to reach.


Re: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 06:25:44 am »
Weeblie - 3/8/2007  3:18 PM  There are actually "proper" temples of Aeridin around the world.  One of the easiest one to reach can be found in North Point [...]
 I have heard of that temple, but it is still not good enough reason for my character to travel halfway around the world to visit her temple. This would mean she would give up the "life" on Mistone, since commuting would be horrendous. My main point is that, seeing how Port Hempstead is the main place to be, where most players hang out (even if they have homes in other regions, they still go to Port Hempstead for socializing events and such), it would be great if there were temples to major deities more easily accessible.


RE: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 06:26:01 am »
*points to What Weeblie said*
  Also, somewhere, I think even in the handbook, it's mentioned that there are at least shrines all the gods in most major cities.  Now, we can't possibly represent every god in every city in-game, because...well...there's 28 of them.
  Oh...and there's a portal to North Point in Spellgard, so travelling isn't that huge of a deal.


RE: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 06:28:28 am »
Dorganath - 3/8/2007  3:26 PM    *points to What Weeblie said*
  Also, somewhere, I think even in the handbook, it's mentioned that there are at least shrines all the gods in most major cities.  Now, we can't possibly represent every god in every city in-game, because...well...there's 28 of them.
 I obviously do not wish every temple to be represented in every city. I clearly stated that only Port Hempstead should have access to these temples. It would make the city feel more full, and make it easier for people to call it their home, instead of having to commute to distant regions everytime they want to be near their own clergy or whatever.


RE: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 06:49:39 am »
Even representing half of the deities in one city is a bit much. That's 14 new interior areas in addition to the exterior...unless we're going to have all open-air temples as for Ilsare in Hlint, but then we have issues of creature lag.  
  Again, you can RP that there is at least some presence of most deities in cities like Port Hempstead, but the chances that there will be a concentration of them represented in-game is pretty slim.
  And the concept that the deities are spread out the way they are is there to encourage exploration and to get people to spread out a bit rather than clump together.
  Lastly, consider that there may be valid in-game reasons why a particular deity may not have a solid presence (read: a full temple) in one city or the other.


RE: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2007, 07:08:09 am »
Dorganath - 3/8/2007  3:49 PM    Even representing half of the deities in one city is a bit much.  That's 14 new interior areas in addition to the exterior...unless we're going to have all open-air temples as for Ilsare in Hlint, but then we have issues of creature lag.  
  Again, you can RP that there is at least some presence of most deities in cities like Port Hempstead, but the chances that there will be a concentration of them represented in-game is pretty slim.
  And the concept that the deities are spread out the way they are is there to encourage exploration and to get people to spread out a bit rather than clump together.
  Lastly, consider that there may be valid in-game reasons why a particular deity may not have a solid presence (read: a full temple) in one city or the other.
 If it is too much with 14 interiors, then of course I understand it's not a popular suggestion, if it adds too much work-load. I'm a lowly player, after all. I'm sure you have a lot on your plate as it is.
  Obviously, people are not exactly spreading out. With a maximum player count reaching around 30-35 at peak hours, I can bet you that at least 90% are still hanging out in, or near Port Hempstead/Fort Vehl. If I were to do this, and move my character's "home" to North Point, I would quite surely feel quite alone. If you do not want people to clump together in one area, I understand why my suggestion is so impopular.
  And yes, of course I considered not all faths can have a solid presence, or any temple structure at all.


RE: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 08:04:47 am »
There's no such thing as a "lowly player". Everyone's opinion is important, but we obviously can't accommodate all requests, or we can, but they could be contrary to something we are trying to accomplish. We try, but we have to do what's best for the game world as a whole. Area count is a concern, which is part of the reason why we have stopped adding more player housing to the West server. Whether a suggestion is implemented or not has nothing to do with who suggested it and everything to do with a list of other factors, both technical and administrative in nature.  
  I don't believe anyone's asking you to move your home to North Point. There are plenty of ways you can RP things. Again, what you see in-game is not all there is in the world.


RE: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2007, 08:30:51 am »
Dorganath - 3/8/2007  5:04 PM    There's no such thing as a "lowly player". Everyone's opinion is important, but we obviously can't accommodate all requests, or we can, but they could be contrary to something we are trying to accomplish.  We try, but we have to do what's best for the game world as a whole. Area count is a concern, which is part of the reason why we have stopped adding more player housing to the West server. Whether a suggestion is implemented or not has nothing to do with who suggested it and everything to do with a list of other factors, both technical and administrative in nature.  
  I don't believe anyone's asking you to move your home to North Point.   There are plenty of ways you can RP things.  Again, what you see in-game is not all there is in the world.
 I will take your words into consideration, and I understand that you want to keep the area count down. I am glad you have listened to what I had to say, at least. I cannot afford to travel via the portal to North Point, but I will try to find another way to make it there. Some sort of pilgrimage, perhaps, with a fellow Aeridinite. Then it's matter of making it back as well... Heh.


Re: A Temple District in Port Hempstead
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2007, 10:55:30 am »
On the note of spreading out... at peak hours, there's not 35 people, there's more like 70, split between West server and Central server, and sometimes the East Server. You wouldn't be as alone as you might think hanging out in North Point.