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Author Topic: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too  (Read 791 times)


Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« on: November 22, 2011, 06:36:32 pm »
I doesn't make any sense that isn't a ranger skill the ranger has the set traps skill I don't see why the disarm traps skill won't also be a class skill as it is a natural move if you can set traps you would most likely want to know how to disarm them too. Plus I haven't seen any other way to get traps. So the ranger has a skill that he can't use in the first place because he can't get traps without the disarm trap skill. Does that make sense?


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 07:58:01 pm »
You can construct traps in the Craft Hall through Tinking.  It will take some practice, of course, so you might also look into purchasing them from others.  They also drop fairly frequently from slain enemies - and what better thing to do than use them on the very adversaries who would have used them against you?

Rangers (as with every class) can take Disable Trap as a cross-class skill, and get a +2 Synergy Bonus from a high Set Trap skill (which, really, is what you're talking about in terms of being able to disable traps from having set so many).

In addition, as a general rule, Rangers aren't in the business of disabling traps.  Rogues often serve as thieves or scouts, and so disabling devices in their way (traps and locks) are a part of the class.  Rangers roam the wilds, and while they might be adept at spotting traps (hence Search as a class skill), they generally don't have to disable them.

As for traps the Ranger personally sets (as with anyone using Set Trap) - he can recover them automatically, regardless of his Disable Trap skill.


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 08:23:51 pm »
Just wondering, if Rangers are intune with the wilds and are its protectors, should'nt disabling traps be more important than setting them?

Hunters leaving bear traps everywhere would be something a ranger would take issue with no? On top of that would'nt it make more sense if the ranger didn't set traps but removed those set in the forest, I mean, why would a ranger set a trap or learn to create them (tinkering is hardly natural) and not understand how to disable it. Goes hand-in-hand really.


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2011, 08:36:38 pm »
I think you're coming at this from the wrong angle, there, Dremora.

A ranger (like anyone else) ABSOLUTELY knows how to disable his own traps - he set them, after all! But he wouldn't know how to get at the triggers and so forth on a trap he's not intimately familiar with.

Rangers are hunters. They ARE the guys setting the traps. Rangers aren't Druids-With-BAB, they're RANGERS. This is exemplified best by the Favored Enemy ability.

Favored Enemy is an ability representing the Ranger's familiarity with a given foe... The Ranger's chosen foe, the one he knows best how to find, how to kill... How to NOT kill, if it's appropriate. A Favored Enemy is what the Ranger ranges to find and hunt. I hate to bring WoW into this, but they named their Hunters (otherwise carbon copies of D&D Rangers) what they did for a reason.

Rangers set traps for they prey they hunt. They don't waste their time digging through dungeons, bypassing the boobytraps on treasure chests and doors. Some might, sure, but they're the exception. Not the rule.


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2011, 01:08:27 am »
What Stephen said.

I would like to add the caveat that Rangers can be back-to-nature treehugger types.  It's just not required.  Rangers of most stripes would frown on wholesale destruction of a natural region, because that's their turf.  But trapping?  No problem.


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2011, 06:13:28 am »
Still the argument that they are hunters and that they know how to set traps means they should also know how to remove the traps they have set once they are done and if they were not triggered?

Otherwise they will end up leaving their traps left all over the place. Once they have placed a spike trap, or a deadfall trap (RP, not NWN supported) and they come upon another set by another person with similar design, then they're experiance as HUNTERS should mean they have the intuition to remove it. I've never heard of a hunter who can lay a trap but not disarm it or those like it.

Still, multi-classing into rogue comes with so many benefits its a 'why-not' thing in my mind, but just from a purely observed point. It seems to me like an oversight of the NWN team (oh wow thats news! lol). Call them tree-huggers, hunters, stalkers, rangers whatever. If they can lay traps, tinker to make traps (as dark suggested and ofc any class can take up a craft), then they are likely to know how to disarm them as well RPwise. Im just saying :P

Script Wrecked

Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2011, 07:10:00 am »
Quote from: Dremora
Still the argument that they are hunters and that they know how to set traps means they should also know how to remove the traps they have set once they are done and if they were not triggered?

Read again:

Quote from: darkstorme
As for traps the Ranger personally sets (as with anyone using Set Trap) - he can recover them automatically, regardless of his Disable Trap skill.


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2011, 07:47:37 am »
Yeeeess so when he sees another spike trap that he didnt set with a lesser complexity or level.. why can't he remove that lol?


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2011, 08:17:19 am »
Maybe every trap setter has his own personal style, maybe every spike trap isnt 100% identical.

Just because disable trap isnt a ranger class skill, a ranger can still put points in it. And as was pointed out, you get a +2 bonus to it if you also are good at setting traps (+2 if you have 5 or more set trap points). You may not be able to surpass the skills of a rogue who specializes in disabling traps, but you certainly can be better than most other characters.


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2011, 11:38:10 am »
Yeah I suppose, I concede. :P


Re: Make disarm trap a ranger skill too
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2011, 02:42:41 am »
Plus with the two feats, Skill Focus: Disable Trap and Epic Skill Focus: Disable Trap (later needing at least 20 base ranks) The ranger (or any other class) can be even more proficient at disabling traps... or any other skill (cross-class or not) you want them to be proficient in. :p

