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Author Topic: RP-based spells?  (Read 153 times)


RP-based spells?
« on: September 16, 2007, 03:46:23 pm »
Just as an idea, and realizing that it's likely not to be implemented, but I think that there's great potential in RP-purposed spells - i.e. spells that, like the 'gather information' skill are useless when not in RP/on a quest.  While, like the aforementioned skill, the spells aren't quite as versatile as many of the combat or even standard utility spells, it'd be handy if clerics (or, at your discretion, wizards) could speak with the dead...

Among the potential spells useful in these circumstances would be:

Speak with Dead
Magic Mouth
Some form of Scrying
Commune (for the higher level characters)
Detect Lies

All of these are useful in RP circumstances, if less so in others.  Having a higher-level cleric able to speak with a representative of his deity would allow for greater insights into problems - and the ability to speak with a dead man might give insight into how they died.  Scrying would likely require some kind of artifice and possibly something of the person being scryed, but all of these would bulk up the somewhat lackluster Divination spell school, and be quite fitting for a higher RP world.

This being said, some might take exception to the greater inclusion of these divination spells, on the grounds that it might make mysteries more difficult.   Well, there are foils for all of these spells - the only trick is thinking them up.


Re: RP-based spells?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2007, 04:03:40 pm »
Usually all you have to do is ask the GM on the quest if you could do it, and they'll let you, or they won't with these its their choice, just think outside the box.


Re: RP-based spells?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2007, 04:24:19 pm »
They will generally be considered higher level with more effort involved than their PnP equivalents. For instance, a speak with dead is not just a spell in a spellbook, but becomes a ritual involving several SC rolls that was allowed to a necromancer. Likewise magical communications require more effort than just flicking away a memorized spell, and so on, Fly does not exist, etc.

So even if they were actually included, they would still be very heavily tweaked for Layo's magic, to fit how they are allowed on quests.


Re: RP-based spells?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 01:24:53 am »
Naturally.  Again, it was just a suggestion..  *Points to the title of the 'room'.*


Re: RP-based spells?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2007, 02:33:48 am »
Oh, I know... I like RP based spells. And tweaked or not it would be nice to have some representative of them, even if they didn't do anything. That way there would at least be a consistent standard. I think the fact that they almost always are made lengthy rituals though makes it difficult to represent in a 'spellbook' sense, but still. Just like having little quest npcs that don't do anything with the PC quest scroll is a nice visual reminder even if you can't act with them, the option would be cool.

