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Author Topic: Heal Domain, empowered heal spell  (Read 122 times)


Heal Domain, empowered heal spell
« on: March 04, 2006, 06:19:29 am »
I remember tpb Ahndar testing the heal spells with heal domain
when we were discussing magic. Neither empower or Heal Domain
seems to work with the heal spell. I'm guessing the reason is
that there was no need to have them apply to the heal spell
when the heal spell originally gave full hps.

I suggest an adjustment so empower and Heal Domain affect
the heal spell.

The discussion took place over half a year ago, so it may
already have been fixed.


Re: Heal Domain, empowered heal spell
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2006, 06:37:07 am »
I do believe this idea would totally imbalance the domains towards Healing, moreso than they already are. Having not only Heal at one level lower than Clerics without the Domain, it would also heal at 22.5 hp per level, against the normal 15. The bonus of the Heal Domain is not a more powerful Heal spell, but getting it 2 levels sooner, and a lower spell slot. It frees up other slots for more powerful spells, summons, and extended level 5 buffs.


Re: Heal Domain, empowered heal spell
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2006, 07:31:39 am »
I don't really believe Healing spells are really any balancing issue to be thinking about.  Granted I play a pure healer, so I may be biased; however, the way Layonara is set up, the party (or even soloing cleric) would be wiped out by strong enough monsters no matter how good the healings are.  Besides, it's not like healing spells are ranged.  Who know how many times Athus's healing spells were interrupted because he got too close to the monster that the melee fighters are engaging.


Re: Heal Domain, empowered heal spell
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2006, 01:19:29 pm »
Nah, eight-bit is right. The benefit is getting it one level earlier not empowering it. Heal has a totally different progression than normal curing spells and it is designed so that it heals almost the full amount on an average class by the appropriate level. It's fine now.


Re: Heal Domain, empowered heal spell
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2006, 01:39:15 pm »
Heal's a pretty powerful spell... By the PnP rules, 10/caster level damage cured. Getting more HP/level cured doesn't make as much sense as just getting it at a lower level. It's more useful to get it sooner, anyway.

But really, a 10th level Cleric healing a 20th level fighter to full health with one spell? From half-health, maybe, but from nearly dead? A bit silly, if you ask me.


Re: Heal Domain, empowered heal spell
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2006, 04:24:52 pm »
Heal in Layo is like in PnP.....


Re: Heal Domain, empowered heal spell
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2006, 05:07:37 pm »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 3/4/2006  4:39 PM

Heal's a pretty powerful spell... By the PnP rules, 10/caster level damage cured. Getting more HP/level cured doesn't make as much sense as just getting it at a lower level. It's more useful to get it sooner, anyway.

But really, a 10th level Cleric healing a 20th level fighter to full health with one spell? From half-health, maybe, but from nearly dead? A bit silly, if you ask me.

Totally up-to-date with the new rules even. Heal is a great spell. Nice in a bind too. But to Asch, that's one less Harm spell he could have. :) And really, what's the sense in that? I'm quite happy with it how it is. Granted, I totally understand your idea and request, but it's pushing the limit of what a Cleric should be able to do. All ready at just level 8 Asch can totally turn a party around with just simple healing spells that aren't empowered at all.