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Author Topic: Hunting and cooking  (Read 598 times)


Hunting and cooking
« on: December 11, 2011, 05:24:41 am »
A bit surprised this isn't already in game, especially with one of the biggest things about nature bound characters being that the do not waste any part of there kill.

After killing and skinning an animal I often wandered... where is the meat? Is is just laying there... rotting... as I walk off with the hide? Seems a bit... wasteful don't you think? Can't I at least cut off a deers leg, put it over a campfire then eat it?

Would like to see some animal parts added to the skinning loot or possible innards in the first loot. Gonna have to cut the hide off the large meat like limps and body so those would be present in the skinning loot and innards like liver and such would be in the first loot, by simply Just slicing open the belly.

Would add to the adventure/hunting experience in my opinion.


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2011, 08:13:21 am »
There are a lot of CNR animals that can be skinned for pelts and meat already in game.  And those chunks of meat that are given can be cooked over a fire and eaten.


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 01:35:48 pm »
The meat is there. Certain animals will give you the skin and few pieces of meat. You can use the skin for tailoring. If your charc has high Fortitude save, you can consume the meat raw without getting disease/sick. If not, you'll need to build a campfire or use the ones that are located on the server to cook the meat (must stand close to source of fire).

As for adventure xp, fishing will give you xp. Go to Layonara Links - Active Crafter, scroll down to Fishing, and you'll see that players do get xp for fishing. You don't get any xp for hunting per se b/c you're already getting it from killing the animal. Additionally, the fish can also be consumed the same way as the meat from animals.

Yum, yum, yum. :D


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 02:14:08 pm »
The deer example you gave is interesting, because that's definitely one of the animals that gives meat when it's killed and skinned.

In addition to simply roasting the meat over a fire (despite barbecues being the manly way to cook meat), there are recipes in the Baker's Oven that call for various animal meats.  Try 'em out!


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 03:14:30 pm »
when I said experience I didn't me xp I meant the sorta role play of it. I've killed and skinned varies animals with Sigfried (rats, boars, birds and deer) and none ever gave any meat, just hide.

If getting meat off animals is a sorta chance thing than that's a bit off. Any animal (and creature) no matter how it is killed can still be harvested for meat. (yes, even rat meat) Though speaking of eating it raw, had a thought of a sorta cannibalistic hunter. kills an animal... and any other creature and devours it. Even humans *licks lips* yum.


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2011, 03:39:19 pm »
Deer definitaly gives meat, so does boars. It might be that the place where you killed it is glitched or the script for the meat is not applied to it. But I've killed my fare share of both, and got the meats.

Now for rats and birds.. well there's not much meat on them to start with. (where not talking of pheasant or chicken here but birds.).


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2011, 04:02:44 pm »
Deer and boar always drop meat (or should always drop meat; if they don't, it's a bug or just a server hiccup). Ravens and rats do not, though you can always RP eating them after killing them.

EDIT: Apparently there is one area where this is not true, the exception to the rule. Dorg explains the exception in his post that follows this one.


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2011, 06:46:24 pm »
The animals one screen outside Center (Lake Spleandor?) don't drop meat.  I was told that was scripted that way on purpose.  Is that where you killed the ones at that aren't dropping the meat?


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2011, 08:41:16 pm »
Quote from: Alazira
The animals one screen outside Center (Lake Spleandor?) don't drop meat.  I was told that was scripted that way on purpose.  Is that where you killed the ones at that aren't dropping the meat?

Yeah. They should fix that. Also speaking of deer. Aren't they supposed to be easily frightened and try running away? They're labeled as hostile and at least one always charges at me when I come close.


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2011, 10:01:34 pm »
Quote from: drakogear
Yeah. They should fix that.

I would agree, if I agreed it was broken. However, it was designed that way.

Those creatures in Lake Splendor are default Bioware creatures meant to be an entry-level challenge for new characters.  As such, they are somewhat easier to defeat than the custom creatures we have designed and built which give CNR in the form of hides and/or meat.

Also speaking of deer. Aren't they supposed to be easily frightened and try running away? They're labeled as hostile and at least one always charges at me when I come close.

They're labeled as hostile because otherwise they can cause faction issues if you kill them and they're in a non-hostile faction.  You definitely don't want this.  Deer will sometimes strike out at you because of a couple of factors.  One is their specialized AI and the way we have implemented Animal Empathy here.


Re: Hunting and cooking
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2011, 11:35:13 pm »
If you skin an animal and walk away before you have time to pick up the dropped meat, then it will be on the ground.  Next time you kill a dear and skin it make sure you wait until you have time to pick up everything before walking away, or at least check the ground.