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Author Topic: craftable rings for Nature spells  (Read 1513 times)


Re: craftable rings for Nature spells
« Reply #60 on: March 08, 2008, 11:25:28 am »
Monks get their extra AC bonus, the monk speed and also their special monk attacks (which in practice can as well be classified as "spells"). The only archers which are competive with others are those with AA levels.

Having a cleric with Zen Archery, it's about as good as one can be as an archer without AA levels. Alleina has one of the best bows in game (+4 AB and +4 mighty) and as a cleric, access to the best AB and damage increasing spells in game (self buffs only, though). With everything cast, she do have a very impressive AB for her level... But the damage can simply not keep up compared to melee (missing GMW, darkfire and acid enchantment damage is really noticeable). And this is even discarding the fact of losing a full 7 points in AC by not using a shield...

However one twists and turns, ranged characters are weaker than others. But then, they do take a smaller risk also, if they are able to stay way back from the frontline and avoid pulling agro...


Re: craftable rings for Nature spells
« Reply #61 on: March 08, 2008, 11:31:34 am »
What I meant with no benefit from spells were when you compare a bow (1d8) with a sword (1d8).
 - Greater Magic Weapon does not work on a bow, so where the sword would get the benefit of +5 enchantment, bows dont.
 - Darkfire or flame weapon would add damage to a sword, does not work on a bow
 - Strength spells would add damage to a sword, does not to a bow. A bow is limited to mighty damage, a sword not.
 - Keen edge would work on a sword not on a bow.
 So my point was that a ranger, one using a bow and one using a sword, the sword would do way more damage just due to spells. And over and above that the bow user has less of a benefit of holding a shield also. And then to top it off it seems an archer for some reason always gets more attention than someone with a sword.
 But dont really need a huge debate about. The point was just that archers are actually weak in damage and not necesary rangers.


Re: craftable rings for Nature spells
« Reply #62 on: March 08, 2008, 11:46:30 am »
I understood the point and wasn't really trying to debate anything.  Having played Jennara so long, it's just weird to see someone say archers are weak because four spells don't make them do any more damage or help them beat DR, when those same archers are often out-damaging Jennara, who also can't benefit from three of the four spells and actually has a higher base damage (2-12 vs 1-8).  

My point in the post that I linked to was that an archer trades damage for the safety of range.  That isn't weakness, it's balance.  No, a character isn't always safer by being farther behind, but neither is a character always more damaging by being in melee.

