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Author Topic: Crates, Bookshelves, Chests, ETC  (Read 150 times)


Crates, Bookshelves, Chests, ETC
« on: April 26, 2007, 02:15:24 pm »
If it's possible, could these be changed so instead of holding a certain amount of items, they have a certain number of pages instead?

I have a bunch of 1x1 inventory squared items that I -need- to keep in bulk. For example, boxes of silk! The thing is, whenever I log on, I cause a huge lag spike while all my crazy items load. I'd dump them off in the boxes, but I barely fill one page or two (something like that) before it says I'm out of room, yet I can hold 10 pages worth of armor. The main reason why I don't go out and buy 21973429384 chests to load all my things in because, just that. It looks nasty in the house and that's a lot of chests.

Just a suggestion... I just find it unrealistic that you can hold ten pages of armory yet can't fill two with small little silk threads or whatever :)


Re: Crates, Bookshelves, Chests, ETC
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 02:18:46 pm »
No, this is not possible.


Re: Crates, Bookshelves, Chests, ETC
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 03:31:47 pm »
What would be totally lovely is a shelf that holds a box, or better yet, a few boxes.

Black Cat

Re: Crates, Bookshelves, Chests, ETC
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2007, 03:49:30 pm »
Yes, and a bookshelf that could hold more than six book and... and... ;)
Work with what we have folks ... it's already quite a lot... If you need more storage place... put in more crate... but just remember that each time you open one you also create some lag... hence the limit on the number of items one crate can hold.

If you're collecting stuff to sell... do it on order and don't store huge quantities of CNR...

1 large crate is 30 items.
1 chests is 10 items.
1 bookshelf/pantry/bar chest, etc... are all 6 items.


Re: Crates, Bookshelves, Chests, ETC
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2007, 06:22:13 pm »
Well, I have to admit having a bookshelf that could hold 30 books would be nice.  Unless there's a reason, such as books cause more lag than other items when the storage container is opened, I can't see why there shouldn't be a bookshelf capable of holding 30 items, since the only difference between it and a large crate would be cosmetic.

I've got several of the huge, stone bookshelves in Treana's house because of their visual value over the large crates in decorating her library/office area.  I was pretty disappointed when those huge multi-shelved models held only one book or scroll per visable shelf on the model of the object, it just didn't make much sense to me, and still doesn't.

If I had the choice of setting up just two of those bookshelves instead of 10 to get the same amount of storage space, I'd be a much happier home decorator, heck I wouldnt' even mind paying 5 times the current price for one of those bookshelves if they held 30 items instead of 6.  It's not like the stone bookshelves have much smaller a footprint than the large crates either, so it's not as if I could pack in many more of them than I can the crates.

Here's another way to look at it, if I've got 10 bookshelves to search through when looking for that specific scroll I stored away, instead of just two bookshelves, aren't I going to cause 8 more lag-spikes (granted they might be smaller lag-spikes) than I would just opening two?  What puts more strain on the servers, ten different home-owners each going through 10 storage objects that hold 6 items each in the span of a few minutes, or ten home homeowners each going through 2 storage objects that hold 30 items?  And doesn't increasing the number of storage objects increase the probability that multiple homeowners will be opening storage objects in a short timespan?

Forgive me if I don't seem to properly understand exactly how the lag is caused, but the arguement that bookshelves that hold 30 items will cause more lag than large crates that hold 30 items seems silly to me.

Sure, I understand making the change to the objects effective in-game will require someone from the dev-team to go in and alter the scripting on the bookshelves, but we can wait for them to get around to such a low-priority thing when they have the time and inclination.  Please don't take this post the wrong way either.  I don't mean it to sound hostile in any way.  I simply mean to present what I think are logical arguements in favor of what I believe to be something that would provide more benefit to the community through offering a choice of different styles to decorate their homes with than I believe it would cause detriment in the form of lag.

Additonal thoughts on this:

I'm all for a tiered range of storage capacities on storage objects of similar types.  For instance, I do agree the small chests should hold a good deal fewer items than the large crates do.  Like-wise it would make sense if the smaller bookshelves held fewer books than the huge stone bookshelves.  Since another common complaint from those running the community is that too many people are running around with too much money, why not also scale the prices of the storage objects that hold more in an exponential way?

Let's say your typical 6 item container costs 1000 Trues, then your 10 item container of similar type might cost 5000 Trues, and your 30 item container might cost 25000 Trues.  Now you've forced the player to decide, "do I spend 15000 Trues for 3 mid-sized containers to get the same storage space as one large container and save money at the loss of floor-space in my home, or do I buy the more expensive container that holds more in less space?"  If they go the cheaper route, they limit themselves on the total number of items they can store, if they go the expensive route their funds get drained quite considerably more.  Anyway, these are just my thoughts.