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Author Topic: Divine Relation Fix  (Read 278 times)


Divine Relation Fix
« on: November 23, 2007, 01:06:13 pm »
Currently, Divine Relation is an Orizon. This means that, not only is it a spell in-game, with corresponding visual effect, and cost of a 0th-level slot, it's only available to those with 0th-level Divine spells.

Paladins, Champions, Rangers, and I believe Sacred Fists don't get 0th-level spells, despite the fact that the first two are arguably more right to have a way of determining deity relations than even a Cleric.

Fix: Drop a Divine Relation item on all divine classes the same way you drop elven ears on elves. Either Divine Relation Unlimited Uses/Day, or just Unique Power Target Unlimited Uses/Day. Remove the spell.


Re: Divine Relation Fix
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 01:31:37 pm »
Great idea and then you wouldn't have the RP confusion of it looking like you were casting a spell either


Re: Divine Relation Fix
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2007, 01:37:51 pm »
FYI Sacred Fist requires divine casting, so the spells they have are based on their base casting class. If they are clerics, they will have it. If they aren't, then they do not and should not have it. (edit I wasn't referring to paladins in this case, as I only recalled after that paladins count...see below for paladins ;))

Otherwise, it's true the whole "casting" thing is misleading, and paladins/champions not having it does suck.

Of course, on the former, you can still see "So and So used Divine Relation," hehe. One thing I don't like for simple practicality reasons is that it would require another item in the palette, and if it's even possible to stuff something else in there without breaking it, I am quite sure that they would want to be conservative to the max with what they add and ensure that it is only absolutely necessary. In this case, it seems more niggling detail preference than absolutely necessary.


Re: Divine Relation Fix
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2007, 02:21:58 pm »
Could the holy/unholy/nature symbols be changed so that they cast deity relations as a property?  That way you wouldn't need to add an item, and fondling your holy symbol while evaluate someone's intentions seems natural enough.


Re: Divine Relation Fix
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2007, 02:27:44 pm »
That actually sounds awesome. Change all holy symbols to do Divine Relation on use, and add that into the Consecrated Holy Symbol deal.


Re: Divine Relation Fix
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2007, 02:31:17 pm »
I like that one better, since all divine casters use holy symbols of some kind or another, with the possible exception of rangers who shouldn't be detecting deities anyway.

I'm unsure of what specifically occurs with the amulet consecration, so I can't give comment on whether other amulets consecrated with the cleric spell would gain that property while keeping might just change it to be recognized or something. I think if it would be a problem, it could maybe just be added into the spell itself, though?

If it does work, one possible downside I can guess as a response to this is that one doesn't need to be a cleric to use a holy symbol. Devout non-clerics for example also often get their amulets consecrated, but should not be detecting deities...unless you want to say that since it is in fact consecrated by a high powered conduit to that deity, that touch allows it to give feelings of that very nature. Or change the amulets to use of those classes only (booo!). (edit - ) I think on-use abilities can be told to only do something for x class though? Without smacking a class restriction on the item, I mean. I think that sounds good. Everyone wears it, only those classes can make use of the ability?

Something else I can't personally comment on :P

I like that, though.


Re: Divine Relation Fix
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2007, 02:44:53 pm »
There are some minor changes in store for Divine Relation for the next update.  Details will be announced with the update itself.


Re: Divine Relation Fix
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2007, 03:08:12 pm »