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Author Topic: Just a little thing  (Read 192 times)


Just a little thing
« on: October 27, 2007, 02:34:06 pm »
I was wondering if hats could be added to the helmet. I know there is one when you change the robes, but if that could be applied to the helmet instead it would be great.


Re: Just a little thing
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2007, 02:37:15 pm »
If I recall correctly the problem with that is the fact that when wearing the helm it replaces the head part of the model. So there'd have to be a hat version of every head in the game for it to work.

NWN mechanics at work..


Re: Just a little thing
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 02:45:51 pm »
That's correct. That's why the hood doesn't show the face at all despite the opening in the front; it has completely replaced the head.

I remember there was a project going on some time ago to seriously attack some issues of NWN and re-invent the way some things were done using the wing/tail nodes, which would have had a side perk of being able to use hats instead of just head-replacing helms and so on. Was kind of interesting, they had lip syncing examples as well, but it died as far as I know.


Re: Just a little thing
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 11:58:25 pm »
err k so how come there is a hat in the robe section that doesn't replace the head?

just wondering.


Re: Just a little thing
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2007, 01:24:37 am »
That's because it's part of the Robe. If you notice when your character's head moves, the hat does not. It has no association with the head, just like the backpack has no association with the "back".


Re: Just a little thing
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2007, 01:27:44 am »
Each piece or 'slot' on the model it a separate mesh and texture, and each can be anything the model-maker wants.  For example, neck pieces can be modeled and textured to be chainmail that hugs the neck, or a necklace, or a cape, or whatever.  Changing the neck slot could even add kneepads or something if the model-maker was weird.  

In the case of the hat in the robe slot, or even the wedding dress veil, it is simply a model added to that particular menu which happens to be shaped like a hat (or veil) instead of like a robe, and happens to be programmed to sit on top of the character's normal head slot.

That probably doesn't make any sense.  I mean, it makes sense in my head, but it's after 1am and I'm tired, so it's probably not coming out straight.  The point I'm slowly driving toward is that hats could be added if there were room in the module and if some industrious model-maker/texturer got cracking and made them from scratch.  They couldn't be helmets, though, since helmets are hardcoded to replace the head instead of just sit on top of it.  

To have your normal character's head and appear to put a hat on it and take it off again, you'd need two identical sets of clothing with the robe slot empty on one and with the hat on the other, so that you'd continually juggle the two sets of clothing to appear to be moving a hat around, which is more trouble than it's worth to most people, probably.

Gah, why don't I just go to bed?


Re: Just a little thing
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2007, 01:30:45 am »
Yeah the part of th two identical clothing I already new. Ah well hehe


Re: Just a little thing
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2007, 01:33:47 am »
Well, they COULD be helms, but it would take creating another model for each hat, for each and every head model. Then there would have to be script to check for the head model already there and set the new one to the new pheno of head+hat.

Heads * Hats. Considering there are at least ten heads for each race, we're looking at, for just a single hat, more than a hundred models.

