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Author Topic: Pawn Shop - Again  (Read 1159 times)


Pawn Shop - Again
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2010, 01:17:50 pm »




               Originally Posted by darkstorme
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Hm.  I suppose I've never really shopped around for my pawn shop needs; only ever dropped stuff off at the Hlint or Leringard pawn shops.

The one time I was curious, I compared the lens price of items to the price offered by the Hlint pawnshop and it looked like a 100:1 correlation.


You'll find that the larger the city, the higher the upper limit is on pawn shop items and the more gold they have.  Small pawnshops like Hlint or Wayfare Cap at around 350gp, Medium up-and-coming boom towns like Leringard or Dalanthar usually cap around 700gp and the big cities like Hempstead, Vehl and Prantz are willing to shell out 1000gp for a single item.  It is often advantageous to hold onto costlier items, like Beryl Dust or Dragonscale Bucklers for the big towns, and the little tiny scrolls and stuff to the smaller towns.

Now as for what % of the original value they offer, that can be variable based off of your appraise skill and the pawn shop size.

Unknown User

Pawn Shop - Again
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2010, 01:17:50 pm »
Yes, so why not have a few low end pawn shops that dont go broke. Im thinking like Hlint and a couple others. (then a few on the other server as well).

This way we can at least dump off crafting leftovers, junk loot from adventuring etc.

If people want to hold out for a reset of the big city pawns to sell their more valued items they can still do so. But the rest of us who just want to unload junk can do so and at least get something for it.


Pawn Shop - Again
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2010, 01:17:50 pm »




               Originally Posted by lonnarin
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Now as for what % of the original value they offer, that can be variable based off of your appraise skill and the pawn shop size.


I'm not sure, maybe it's because I don't have any char with appraise skills that are over 20. But to me when I sell a dragon scale buckler with any of my chars, it's always the same price that is offered to me. The scaling of what a pawnshop offers by it's size is accurate.

