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Author Topic: Items - Level required adjustments for faiths  (Read 101 times)


Items - Level required adjustments for faiths
« on: February 25, 2008, 11:30:59 pm »
Just a thought I had that I wanted to pop in here. Maybe it belongs in the MMO ideas forum?

I'll pop it here and those that might pay it heed can do whatever they want with it. I am uncertain where it might go as I figure any ideas like this, even if they are deemed to have merit, are extremely unlikely to be implemented into NwN Layo. Will the new MMO have level requirements for certain items? If so (or a system similar) read on, if not .. then not.

Anyways, not that clerics really need another advantage over the other classes but just had the idea that certain items really lend themselves towards usage by members of certain faiths.

For example.

Gnomish repeating crossbow - Current lvl req. 19 - Something coded such that a Priest/ess of Goran could use it at lvl 19 minus X. Maybe 10ish?

Athus' Touch Gloves - Current lvl req. 13? - Priest/ess of Aeridin at lvl 8ish?

Greater Ladies Gift - Current lvl req. 19 - Priest/ess of Lucinda at lvl 10ish?

Club of Bloodiness - Current lvl req. ?? - less for a Priest/ess of Grand.

Anyways, you get the idea. Just thought such a thing might add flavour.


Re: Items - Level required adjustments for faiths
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 12:52:23 am »
This is not really practical to do in NWN because we'd have to disable one of Bioware's systems to allow it and then write new code to approximate it in the vast majority of cases where we want the normal level requirements.

For the MMO...the concept may not really apply as we currently know it.

