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Author Topic: Items wear and tear  (Read 170 times)


Items wear and tear
« on: June 11, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
I would lke to see a system where Items have a wear and tear Value.Maybe a save everytime they are used to see if they break or maybe a number system wher if a sword is used it get a 0.01 rating and it goes up a point each time till it hits a certain number and breaks or is useless till it is repaired.
The better the Metal,hide,etc the higher the number needed.

I was on a server that had something like the latter idea.
That way people would need to replace items keeping the economy thriving.

Just and Idea.


RE: Items wear and tear
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2005, 03:00:00 pm »
  It's been talked about before, and it's been said again and again. It's a really realistic idea, but it just wouldn't work. Two main reasons are...
  1) There is usually 10-40 people logged on to West. Can you immagine how many times a script or item would have to shoot off some sort of counter? Every time you got hit in your full plate. Every time your sword whacked someone. Every time you ran a certain number of feet in your boots. It would cause tremendous lag if I'm not mistakin.
  2) It's not realistic. Layonara is about as close to a PnP DnD Persistent world as you can get (without being run by a small group of people). However you have to remember that there is a TON of fighting, running, and use of items that occours. Tath probably casts more spells in a day (about 2 hours of play for me) than many people's PnP characters would cast in several game sessions. And there won't always be a smith around to repair your sword. It will not only give the players another thing to worry about, but on a real time persistent world, it's just not realistic.


RE: Items wear and tear
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2005, 02:15:00 pm »
We kind of have a wear and tear system on weapons for if you hit a tree or rock- it has a counter from 1-10 that is mostly persistant and shatters the item when it's maxed. (heh, my hammer has 6 death tokens!)

For armor, it would most likely happen when something scores a double 20 crit on you (20 primary roll, 20 secondary)  Of course lag concerns might make this a little unfeasable with 35 people fighting at the same time.  If it could be a script that only started somehow conditionally only on a 20/20, statistically we should be pretty fine.  (probability is like 5% of 5% or some such incredibly small number)

Another variant could be that the donned armor would have to make it's own "death token" check when a player died.  That way the script would initiate at fairly seldom intervals (hopefully!) and it would make sense that the mortal blow itself was the cause of the damage.  

Of course, Higher level armors are likely more durable than lower level ones, so we'd assign some base value and SUBTRACT the item lvl modifier from it when making the check.  (like chance % of 20 minus the level req of the armor chance of getting a damage token)  That way a copper fullplate would shatter far sooner than an adamantium one. (and uber gear would be pretty safe from longitudinal dmg, fixed rate of 1%)

What would be fun with this would be that armor and weapon crafters could then make money by doing repairs on pre-xisting gear.  I wouldn't suggest that they got any special crafting xp for it, else there'd be abuse from players hacking at ore deposits just for practice.  On the plus side though, a successful crafting check on the item or armor type would effectively lower the count to 0, or -1 token per success.  Also, a failure on the check should add a token, so you really CAN turn a brittle sword into mangled metal by accident.  

Also, to make said repairs, one would also need a few ingots of the metal they'd be working with.  Leather and cloth armors would need leather and cloth to patch as well.  (some raw CNR infusion would be necessary both for realism and to prevent exploitation)  Perhaps if one needed 2-3 ingots of iron to patch an iron fullplate, then we COULD allow crafting xp gain from the act.  Without raw CNR infusion, I see too many possibilities for "power-fixing" solely for armor/weaponcraft gains.

Helms, Boots, rings and amulets should probably not have to make these types of checks, since if you're trying to block blows with your head, neck, feet or fingers, you'd likely be dead in about one shot anyhow ;).  Shields, armors and weapons could all use some wear and tear though.

In any case scenario, destroyed armors and weapons should fill your inventory with mangled metal of that type. :)  Not a TOTAL loss... but unless you're a smith, there's not much you can do with it.

