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Author Topic: Wood Ax  (Read 291 times)


Wood Ax
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:46:00 am »
Just a thought...

My character is unable to use the current wood axe as she does not have the proper wep prof. (martial or monk)

Is it possible to add a similar item for gathering wood with, for example, Elven wep prof?

Just a question. :) I can always be a bother to others and beg them to get wood for me..;)



RE: Wood Ax
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 02:36:00 pm »
The main problem with the coding is on Bioware's end of this issue.  Since handaxes are martial weapons, one must have the martial proficiency to weild them.  Even if the axes had the martial feat attached to them, you still need the martial feat to weild that item in order to get the martial feat it'd bestow.  (Bioware did a very nasty hardcoded thing and made it so that you can't even TRY weilding an item you're not used to using, whereas PnP lets you attempt at a -4 penalty)

I can think of maybe 2 solutions to this dillemna.

1) make a CNR belt or flannel shirt of the lumberjack, allows Martial Weapon proficiency needed to use the axe, but on the downside, cannot be easily exploited for combat very much since one'd be practically naked armor-wise to use it.  Maybe even give the wearer -4ac so monks and wizards wouldn't even see a need to exploit it in combat, not to mention the -4 to attack that weilding non-proficient weapons SHOULD be giving ;)

2) make a smaller variant of the woodsman's axe using the custom weapon set that we have that made it a simple weapon with the same gfx.  maybe a commoner's axe that can be weilded by all and only does 1d4 dmg or something along those lines.

Admittedly though, it is kind of funny to think back to the days when I'd go camping with my dad and get to chop firewood when I was 12 years old.  0-lvl commoner swinging a martial weapon, I ruled!

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RE: Wood Ax
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 06:56:00 pm »
The axe is just one of many weapons not allowed to a druid, and as druid if one is to gather wood in the forest, how do you do that when the forests are clean of any of the usual forest debris.
There would be a way around the whole axe requiring martial weapon feat or monk class, why not have sickles specifically for the purpose of felling trees. Instead of the usual hammer that is required for forging weapons. Have a stone club for that particular purpose.
You can hammer copper with a rock, though having access to granite would allow you to forge weapons of harder metals, but still you would not be allowed hammer materials of iron and beyond.
Like an icicle which can be lethal if you happened to be under one when it falls. Why not have a druid be able to create crystal blades instead of the usual metal ones. A druid would still need gem crafting tools and gem cutters chisel. And they, like the other classes would still have to go into the various mines for the materails they seek, but not for metals, but for various crystals.
An obsidian blade would have hard time cutting branches from a tree, but could be used for arrow heads, which would allow a druid to use a bow, if they had that proficiency without feeling guilty.
The various gem types could be the determination of the potency of the blade.
A diamond blade could fell a tree and be of equal value to a blade of adamantite.
Personally, I think druids need access to more natural weapons.


RE: Wood Ax
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 07:15:00 pm »
I mentioned this before as there are several CNR things that Owen cant do.  The problem isnt so much a coding thing as a balancing thing.  

Here is the thread:


RE: Wood Ax
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2005, 03:39:00 am »
  Druids and rangers can find wood without chopping trees down. By foraging around the forest, you can pick up pieces of wood.

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RE: Wood Ax
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2005, 07:12:00 pm »
What skill do you use for foraging?


RE: Wood Ax
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2005, 08:32:00 pm »
Both search and spot are used for forgaging.
  For an explanation of the foraging system go here:


RE: Wood Ax
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
Next time you are in the High Forest... and you come upon the High Druids camp...  take note of the chopped and stacked firewood. . .

Also...  I am fairly certain I smelled Deer Stew in that pot...

Is that Tent made of ... SKINS???