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Author Topic: Request: IC update on Pranzis  (Read 120 times)

Pen N Popper

Request: IC update on Pranzis
« on: July 29, 2006, 07:56:33 am »
It would be helpful to many PCs if the general mood and state of Pranzis could be posted in the gossip forum.
  How is trade? Are people getting enough to eat? Are the common folk submissive, rebellious, oblivious? Are the guards feared, respected, ignored? What religious practices are allowed and under which deities? Is the city itself recovering from the battles? Are the walls being repaired with timber or stone (poorly or well)?
  You get the idea.
  A lot of OOC assumptions can be made based upon our own perceptions of the world. I just want to make sure what is spoken ingame by the many interested parties is based upon the team's vision of its state.


RE: Request: IC update on Pranzis
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 08:08:48 am »
Unfortunately the in-game visual state of Prantz (no longer Pranzis, by the way) does not necessarily reflect the actual state.
  What people would see, if visiting, is a city being rebuilt from the war's damage. You'd see clean streets, no food riots, people going about their daily business. The updated game areas of Prantz will be in the next module update, but these things take time.
  You'd also see an increased guard presence, felt necessary to ensure the safety and security of the people of Prantz, something the population does not seem to mind, and even welcome. You may see the occasional enforcement of Lord Broegar's laws (as transcribed in the Dragon's Whisper), which the population in general does not seem to oppose, and again they even welcome it.
  Overall, given the period of turmoil, chaos and hunger that came after the death of King Waylend, the people of Prantz are relatively happy to have gotten back to some sense of normalcy and security.
  This is the kind of thing you'll see on their faces, what you'll see just walking around, etc.

Pen N Popper

RE: Request: IC update on Pranzis
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 07:12:31 am »
The players could use some more specifics here. Can a GM please confirm that:
  • The two temples in the city (Toran and Rofirein) are destroyed
  • In the place of Rofirein's temple, now stands a courthouse
  • It can be confirmed by asking NPCs that the head of the judiciary is a cleric of Rofirein
 There is a lot of confusion ingame because the visuals no longer match the IC happenings.


RE: Request: IC update on Pranzis
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 09:15:48 am »
Please have a bit more patience. The visuals will match up soon enough. It's a fairly big effort to get these updates put out, and there's much more on my list besides the overhaul of Prantz.
  The areas for Prantz are done and are just waiting for inclusion.


Re: Request: IC update on Pranzis
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2006, 10:25:24 am »
1. No. Only the Toran one.
2. The temple was damanged, now restored and converted to a courthouse (it may look a bit different)
3. Yes.

And for everything else, you'll have to be a bit more patient :)