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Author Topic: Lower all HP, AC and AB's for creatures  (Read 949 times)

Erik K

Re: Lower all HP, AC and AB's for creatures
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2009, 12:38:44 pm »
Ive been following a lot of these threads (as much as I can )
with the same general point.  Its hard to get a party, cant compete with the mages, etc.  In my humble opiinion, it all comes down to the server base being split and spread out.  Since we went to the split starting locations this server has been more of a encouragement to solo, then party up,  As a player, you can spend huge amounts of time sitting in Hemp or Vehl and not see another player and when you do, you run into the :  "hey, youre the wrong faith, youre the wrong race, your armour is the wrong color, I cant party with you ..  kind of thinking.  Add to that the fact, that unlike the hlint days, when we were more concnetrated,  the player base is spread all over the server  RP opopertunities are fewer,  unless you have an established group or guild.  What it all comes down to is a server that encourages players to solo and fight or craft rather than RP.  The complaints have been loud and many from what Ive seen and nothing seems to change.  I can understand the Team has a vision for Layo, but is this the Layo you want?


Re: Lower all HP, AC and AB's for creatures
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2009, 01:26:43 pm »
Quote from: osxmallard

So, generally I sign on, look around for a party, realize everyone is somewhere else far away, then log off after killing some 1xp kobalds.

I think this is really the heart of a lot of the complaints - speaking for myself, the desire to solo is not wanting to race up the levels; its about wanting to have something to DO while waiting for others to RP with to show up. Especially on East, the typical gathering place (eg. Dun Lake), are far away from anything that my character at least can do, so I only tend to be there if I am told OOCly that something is going on. I would love to able to meet people ICly, to arrange trips an stuff, but unless I want to just sit around in game, that's not going to happen.

As far as the original post had any seriousness - obviously I don't think that making every creature easier is the solution. However, it might be nice to have creatures with lower DR and AC, but with more HP to compensate, just so that less than ideal builds can still be useful in parties, and be able to hit things with less than critical hits.


Re: Lower all HP, AC and AB's for creatures
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2009, 11:18:41 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Actually, I'm not entirely sure the original post in this thread was completely serious.  It seems some are taking it as such but more are snickering behind their hands, and some others are taking offense to it, interpreting it as a sarcastic retort to their own suggestions.

Whatever the case, we have over 2300 custom creatures.  Lowering the HP, AB and AC of every single one of them (or even just those that the higher-level melee-oriented characters care about) would be a monumental task. On this fact alone, it is unlikely to be done.

Ironically, this would actually make things easier for those mages who solo using summons and/or Polymorph/Shapechange.

Not if a little spell immunity was added in too!


Re: Lower all HP, AC and AB's for creatures
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2009, 12:36:56 am »
Spell immunity wouldn't affect the damage done by summons and Polymorph/Shapechange forms. :)

