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Author Topic: Player Housing  (Read 1050 times)

Gillander St. Clair

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    Player Housing
    « on: February 13, 2007, 11:32:18 pm »
    I have noticed that a few shards offer apartments and player housing. I think this would be benificial to your shard, because it gives players additional goals to persue.  It also makes money more significant. I saw one shard that an apartment goes for 30 million. Just a thought
    Thanks for listening

    Witch Hunter

    Re: Player Housing
    « Reply #1 on: February 14, 2007, 12:10:21 am »
    Ermm... theres already player housing...


    Re: Player Housing
    « Reply #2 on: February 14, 2007, 12:50:06 am »
    What is a "shard", exactly?  A server?

    Witch Hunter

    Re: Player Housing
    « Reply #3 on: February 14, 2007, 12:58:24 am »
    It's an Ultima Online term for server :)


    RE: Player Housing
    « Reply #4 on: February 14, 2007, 03:41:11 am »
    It's actually more of a general MMO term, though at a more technical level.
      In either case, "shard" doesn't really apply in NWN.

    Witch Hunter

    Re: Player Housing
    « Reply #5 on: February 14, 2007, 09:18:58 am »
    Ah well it comes from the fact each server on ultima online was a "Shard" of some gem some wizard had :p
    They actually made a story on why they have so many servers :O


    Re: Player Housing
    « Reply #6 on: February 14, 2007, 01:17:31 pm »
    Well, regardless, the point was addressed.  There IS player housing, and it costs comparable amounts to that suggested... AND it's scarce, which is, to a certain degree, even better.


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      Re: Player Housing
      « Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 01:52:07 pm »
      As far as I can tell, there is very few houses for players and those that are available is well beyound a regualr player's means to buy. The last time I checked I saw a house that was selling for 175,000 trues. Where or how would you gather that much money?

      Maybe there could be a "server apartment complex" were you could rent a room per RT month from an NPC so you have a place to store items to be able to sell or items to craft with.

      Another solution could be a in game bank loan from an NPC to be able to buy a house.

      Maybe different sizes of houses that have different costs. A small 1 room house that cost say 50,000 trues and a 3 room house that cost 130,000 trues. That way players could sell their house back to the real estate NPC and get a bigger house when they need to.

      I don't know how difficult or feasable these idea are but it is very frustating to not have enough room to store crafting ingredients or crafted items to sell. You only have so many slots on your ox and a lot less in the back.


      Re: Player Housing
      « Reply #8 on: April 12, 2007, 02:07:14 pm »
      This is a perennial issue.  The long and the short of it is that even adding a single area to West is playing with the stability of the server.  Housing cost reflects demand - 175 000 trues is not unreasonable.  It will simply take you a RL year or so to start earning enough money for that.  (Some people earlier than others.  It just depends on your play time.)

      A number of houseowners have converted their houses to inns/apartment complexes, where you can rent a room and some storage.  I'd recommend that as an approach.  Kell's currently renting for 3 000 trues/RL month.

      If the problem is slots, not weight, go get yourself a box or twelve.  But you shouldn't be holding TOO much at any point, or you'll lag the server each time you sign on or off.

      As for the bank loan... while I like it, it's only because, if I were implementing it, the NPC would be a shady character who would charge punitive interest.  This would be drawn directly from your bank account.  If at any point you were unable to pay him, his "boys" would come around to find you, and take items in lieu of payment.  If you couldn't pay either.... they'll take hit points. ;)

      Goon 1: "Ey, Guido!  How much did Mr. Silverarm say this fine gentleman owes this month?"
      Goon 2: "Fifteen hundred trues, Nunzio."
      Goon 1: *whistles*  "Fifteen hundred... that's a lot of money, Guido."
      Goon 2: *eyeing you* "I dare say it is, Nunzio.  Say, pal, that armour of yours looks like it could fetch some coin." *walks over and pats you down*  "And what's this?  A potion of strength?  That'll cover some of it."

      *several minutes later*

      Goon 1: "Well, what's the total, Guido?"
      Goon 2: "Looks like all he had was worth.. " *scribbles on paper* ".. fourteen hundred and fifty true."
      Goon 1: "Mr. Silverarm said fifteen hundred, didn't he?"
      Goon 2: "I believe he did."
      Goon 1: "Right, then."  *he draws a crossbow, and shoots you in the knee, as you collapse, screaming, he kicks you hard in the ribs with a metal-shod-boot, twice*  "There we are.  Fifteen hundred."
      Goon 2: "A pleasure doing business with you, friend.  See you next month."


      Re: Player Housing
      « Reply #9 on: April 12, 2007, 02:44:11 pm »
      Quote from: darkstorme
      Goon 1: "Well, what's the total, Guido?"
      Goon 2: "Looks like all he had was worth.. " *scribbles on paper* ".. fourteen hundred and fifty true."
      Goon 1: "Mr. Silverarm said fifteen hundred, didn't he?"
      Goon 2: "I believe he did."
      Goon 1: "Right, then."  *he draws a crossbow, and shoots you in the knee, as you collapse, screaming, he kicks you hard in the ribs with a metal-shod-boot, twice*  "There we are.  Fifteen hundred."
      Goon 2: "A pleasure doing business with you, friend.  See you next month."

      Actually, it would be 50 true worth of beatings, and an extra 100 true due the next time (plus interest).  Not that I have any reason to know how this type of thing goes... um... LOOK OVER THERE!  *runs away*


      Re: Player Housing
      « Reply #10 on: April 12, 2007, 02:45:40 pm »
      Quote from: Tygular
      As far as I can tell, there is very few houses for players and those that are available is well beyound a regualr player's means to buy. The last time I checked I saw a house that was selling for 175,000 trues. Where or how would you gather that much money?
      Save, find and sell artifacts or high-demand craftable items.

      Or, more reasonable, go in with 3 or 4 friends and pool your resources.


      Re: Player Housing
      « Reply #11 on: April 12, 2007, 04:04:39 pm »
      Player housing is currently under review.

      I would however like to take this moment to remind those people who do own housing that a PC can only own one piece of housing (two if one of them is a functioning main guild office).

      This rule is across all servers not each server. There are several PCs who seem to break this rule. We know who you are, and also of course where you live!

      If you are in breach of this rule please either sell some property or contact me to discuss your options

      Witch Hunter

      Re: Player Housing
      « Reply #12 on: April 12, 2007, 08:23:45 pm »
      Eyyyyyyy! they know where 'ye live eyyyyyyyy!


      Re: Player Housing
      « Reply #13 on: April 13, 2007, 05:46:54 pm »
      Quote from: Tygular
      The last time I checked I saw a house that was selling for 175,000 trues. Where or how would you gather that much money?

      Just thought I'd link this thread as an illustrative example.

      Clearly, there's money out there.  Kell wants some of it.


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        Re: Player Housing
        « Reply #14 on: April 13, 2007, 06:07:09 pm »
        I have kept an eye open for rooms for rent but haven't seen any available except for the one you mentioned but don't know where that is. Is there a certain place people post?

        What about making it possible to rent like storage boxes in the craft houses where people can store the crafting tools they need, or store crafting resources.

        Maybe someone can come up with a workable soluction to allow a way to store items just for crafting.


        Re: Player Housing
        « Reply #15 on: April 13, 2007, 08:24:15 pm »
        This has, in fact, been brought up before..

        The long and the short of it is that the demand is so tremendous, making such a thing publicly available would put strain on the server and on the database, in addition to removing most of the inclination to clean up one's inventory in a "paring" sort of way.

        What would work well would be to have tremendously expensive but scarce areas that could be purchased, in which one could roleplay and store one's goods... ;)

        As for rental housing - keep your eye on the Leringard Arms, or any other renters.  Things free up from time to time.  Kell went for eight months before he ever got to rent anything, though.

        Witch Hunter

        Re: Player Housing
        « Reply #16 on: April 13, 2007, 08:26:40 pm »
        There are lots of rental houses that I know of... however, there is a huge lack of houses themselves...
         I've been scouting Mistone for the fun of it and boy, 50-60% of the houses are owned by people who havent logged over half a year :/


        Re: Player Housing
        « Reply #17 on: April 13, 2007, 09:16:35 pm »
        Quote from: Witch Hunter
        ... 50-60% of the houses are owned by people who havent logged over half a year :/

        If you can prove it, compile a list.  6 months is usually the cutoff date.


        Re: Player Housing
        « Reply #18 on: April 13, 2007, 09:41:36 pm »
        One also must take into account that many houses are shared with others, and the primary 'owner' may no longer be the name on the door.


        Re: Player Housing
        « Reply #19 on: April 14, 2007, 03:47:24 am »
        Quote from: darkstorme
        If you can prove it, compile a list.  6 months is usually the cutoff date.

        I think it is closer to 3 months.

