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Author Topic: Enchanting Holy Pool  (Read 793 times)


Re: Enchanting Holy Pool
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2007, 10:11:23 am »
Quote from: Witch Hunter
Oh alchemy is never used Weeblie?
 Let me list:
 Silver/Titanium Enchantments
 Oils (Which might sound dumb to you -but a bundle of enchanting oils is expensive)
 Various Essences (I believe some are even used in enchanting)
 Various Potions (I've seen death armor used a lot as well as stat potions)
 Various Visual Effects (Heck, you use them (: )

Again, as someone with an alchemist...

Silver/ need to be pretty good to even bother with these, and in the case of titanium...well, this isn't exactly plentiful or easy to get. And there's a lot fewer of these in the world than there are enhancement/resistance rods.

Essences...MOST of these are used as the primary step of some other final potion within alchemy itself.'s not dumb, but having "been there, done that" it's really not a cost-effective nor time-efficient way to go about it.  The utility of making the oils drops precipitously as the value of those things you create with said oils increases.  About the only oil that ever made sense (for me) to make was gem polishing oil.

Various potions...True, but these things are supposed to be there.

Visual Effects...OK...pretty, but useless. The only ones that are even profitable (unless prices have jumped) are those that require diamond (holy/evil visual) or emerald (acid) dust...and most people would rather spend their dusts on enhancement rods.

In any case, it's not really making the point to compare what is or is not in one craft or the other.  What's important is that the overall balance remains.

Enchanting has plenty to do in it as a craft.  Perhaps not in the pools themselves, but over all. Alchemy, while it's extremely diverse, generally requires one to gather a boat load of different types of things, some easy, some quite difficult just to make one potion. Progression in Enchanting for divine casters is arguably pretty quick.  I've seen a fair number of mid-to-high level Enchanters who are of mid character levels.  I've seen very few (if any) characters who were below 15 character levels who have broken through into the mid-to-upper levels of Alchemy. The only one who's coming to my mind cheated and used an exploit to duplicate materials so he could rapidly craft his way up to a high enough level to make potions of Heal, at which point he duplicated those as well using the same exploit. *shakes his head*

Anyway, whether or not Aid or Bless makes any sense in the Enchanting Holy Pool...that's not really the issue.  It does make sense conceptually.  The greater issue is usually one of balancing crafting across the board. There is very little overlap between crafts, and really, the cure potions are the only example I can think of off the top of my head.  I'm not sure there's a need or desire for even more overlap.

Witch Hunter

Re: Enchanting Holy Pool
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2007, 10:20:36 am »
How about making a combination? requring some form of essence to use in the enchanting pool?


Re: Enchanting Holy Pool
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2007, 08:32:09 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
Aloe is easy to get, but it takes time to do in quantity.
And honestly, these days, until folks get a better handle on where the new CNR locations are in V3, the greenstones are probably the scarcer ingredients right now.


Re: Enchanting Holy Pool
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2007, 01:58:44 pm »
Quote from: Faldred
And honestly, these days, until folks get a better handle on where the new CNR locations are in V3, the greenstones are probably the scarcer ingredients right now.

Well, there's survival of the fittest for you...

"Not my problem you have a weak body." ~ Nyeaeana Irylanam
