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Author Topic: Reworking the Sneak System?  (Read 2477 times)


Re: Reworking the Sneak System?
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2013, 09:42:13 am »
i see them as good support class , Disclaimer here - purly mechanicly wise ,
they let there friend engage firstly (fighters) after scouting ahead telling them how many ect.... then they duck in to the shadows and once the pure muscle of the group has engaged they either sneak in flanking the enermy , aiming for all the weak armoured points (sneak attack) Or sit poping them with arrows.

So my surgestion would tie into this it wouldnt over power them , just allow them to give more support , poping out of the shadows unexpectedly and stunning them maybe whilst they are otherwise occupied.


Re: Reworking the Sneak System?
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2013, 09:57:18 am »
Interesting ideas.  I play a rogue and I've noticed it's one of the most popular second classes in the game, for sneak attack and skill points alone.  I'm assuming these feats are for ten levels or rogue or more?  Because offering them to anyone with five levels of rogue in their background would be unbalancing, imo.

however - as I have heard directly from one of the few pure-class rogues in the game, when I asked him about which feats to take - a rework/touch up of some of the rogue level-ten-plus bonus feats would be nice.

one opinion though, sneak speed should not be modified.  If anything, invis should have an MS check incorporated, rather than making sneak faster,'re sneaking.  You are moving from cover to cover, maybe in bursts, but only when conditions are right, which means possible long waits for eyes to turn.  You're trying to keep your feet light and not step on anything noisy, nor cough, nor bump or scrape a wall or a tree...these things take time, and they should.  Even if we could "speed up" ms and hide, I'd be against it.  Doesn't make a lick of sense.


Re: Reworking the Sneak System?
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2013, 10:50:52 am »
To my idea it would be an epic feat for Rogues with 10 lvls , a bonus feat as such but this bonus feat only kicks in once your are an epic pc .

And the main thing id like to see which would probably make sneaking much better in my eyes , if your sneaking and something has Trues sight , you should be still hidden i feel ( if your hidden in some bushes , shrubs , why would a monster with true sight be able to see you?)


Re: Reworking the Sneak System?
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2013, 11:09:57 am »
Quote from: mumbles
To my idea it would be an epic feat for Rogues with 10 lvls , a bonus feat as such but this bonus feat only kicks in once your are an epic pc .

And the main thing id like to see which would probably make sneaking much better in my eyes , if your sneaking and something has Trues sight , you should be still hidden i feel ( if your hidden in some bushes , shrubs , why would a monster with true sight be able to see you?)

The True Seeing issue has been discussed a lot with regards to Stealth, and the fact is that it's a technological compromise that Bioware made.

I agree that True Seeing should not be able to "see" hidden creatures.  In a tabletop game, that wouldn't happen. At the same time, a Rogue should not be able to enter Stealth mode standing in the middle of a field in front of people, which also wouldn't happen in a tabletop game.  Don't bring up HiPS, because that's a special case.  

But since Bioware made the compromises it did, True Seeing is a balancing force to Stealth (as well as Invisibility, which has other counters of course). It's not perfect, but it's no more broken than Stealth is....or invisibility for that matter.

It's also worth mentioning that True Seeing as an ability has also been used to mimic Tremor Sense for creatures that dwell underground, so again, it's a balancing factor.


Re: Reworking the Sneak System?
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2013, 05:37:51 pm »
Quote from: mumbles
i see them as good support class , Disclaimer here - purly mechanicly wise ,
they let there friend engage firstly (fighters) after scouting ahead telling them how many etc....
then they duck in to the shadows and once the pure muscle of the group has engaged they either sneak in flanking the enermy,
aiming for all the weak armoured points (sneak attack) Or sit poping them with arrows.

So my surgestion would tie into this it wouldnt over power them, just allow them to give more support
, poping out of the shadows unexpectedly and stunning them maybe whilst they are otherwise occupied.

A support class, I keep hearing that from a lot of folks here. Support for what?
 fighting enemies? I suppose if that's the only goal that exists, that would be fine.
AD&D is not all about fighting, it's not about mining, it's not about killing things, it's not about just any one thing.
A rogue is a class, plain and simple.  It could be used to support a team of fighters getting them through doors, or removing traps,
but calling it, or any other class a support class is kind of demeaning.
It's kind of like saying my class is better than your class... when in truth you can play the adventure (the original champaign)
all the way through and beat it with any class.

Being that AD&D simulates real life using various kinds of dice calling one class more important that some other class is like saying
 soldiers are more important than farmers in real life... in truth one could not exist without the other and both play very different
 and very important roles supporting each other.

When no DMs are present running a quest it's my feeling that the fighters like to feel the most important.
Most mages are shot to the back, along with rogues and clerics that aren't built for fighting.. most of the fighters on the server
 (that i've played with) and some of the fighting clerics and pallys, don't seem to have a lick of strategy when it comes to using the
 group and are usually seen rushing in separately trying to prove their worth.. (example villiage of the mists for those of you that were with).
That is a limit that can truely be a party killer.

When a DM shows up the server feels more alive to me, less mechanical.  I appreciate a good dm that comes in and out of the blue stirs up trouble.
Especially trouble that slows down a fighter (and I'm not talking about more monsters).
I wish the server had more things to slow down one sided parties. Things that would make a groups talents all be used and not just rely on a single

To support my arguement I'm going to quote an excerpt from a book, sorry.
Here it is from the book AD&D Dungeonscape 3.5:
Chapter 1, page 14

Your purpose in the dungeon is, frankly, to do everything. You are the skill expert, and the rest of the party relies on your expertise.
Other characters probably do not have disable device, knowledge dungeoneering, and open lock, so make sure you have plenty of ranks in
those skills."


Re: Reworking the Sneak System?
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2013, 06:27:30 pm »
Nope purely and simply - Alll mechanics are there to support your Imagination and your Role play , to allow you to have fun

