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Author Topic: Round Robin Player Events  (Read 18724 times)


Round Robin Player Events
« on: March 17, 2017, 03:06:51 pm »

Every Friday

8PM-11pm EST


Upcoming Dates

Acacea[/b] 3/24, 4/14, 5/5[/b]

willhoff/davidhoff[/b]  3/31, 4/21, 5/12[/b]

LFFF[/b] 4/7, 4/28, 5/19[/b]

If you want to throw your name in the hat (!), just post your name and I'll edit the dates for quick reference. Commitments are just doing your best to show up and have fun if it is not your day, and if it is being the guy that picks what everyone's doing for the night. That's it. 

Bring any character, organizing can be IC or OOC - example of the IC is "Acacea asks for an escort to x location" and the latter would be me posting an (invented, non-important) NPC's bounty and showing up with a character unassociated with it in any way. Either way, player-me is starting it. The more people on the list, the fewer times it is your turn to think of what to do.

If you can't commit to weeklies but still want to play with other people, that's the whole point! Show up whenever you can!  If a destination is put on the calendar and you know you're going to be late or something, feel free to just go ahead of time so you'll log in at the same place as everyone else. The whole idea is getting enough weeks going in a row that regardless of your schedule and even if the week is 100% dead, people can come to expect that know that other players are going to be around this Friday night to play with. (I also spent Acacea's early life not going on a single quest, just having fun RPing with fellow players, and have never followed why this can't still be a thing.)

PS Hoffs I don't know if you actually meant to sign up or not and I guessed, oops. Please clarify :P 

Random thoughts: Are there people  with unpredictable schedules that could never do weekly, but wouldn't mind being sort of understudies, divvying up the occasional days where something comes up for the regular guy? I think Alatriel might have meant something along these lines...

OP Saved below for, erm, posterity.

tldr We should sign up to take turns running weekly events, what are good times and would you take a slot right now or after x number of people, or would you attend if other people did it 
For obvious reasons, people collectively tend to wait to see other people on the server status or an event on the calendar before logging in, and when multiple people organize runs to places, it's just coincidence if they are near one another. 

I was thinking of old campaigns that would run weekly that people would get up all hours of the night for, or when we opened up the Arms every Friday at 5pst for anyone that stopped by for a drink, and thinking it's nice for people to have a sure timeslot that others will be on for, or just the "game night" standby in general.
How 'bout a few of us OOC agreed to run our events on the same day/time every week and just took turns and[/i] went to each other's events (as players with any character) so there was always a guaranteed attendance of at least the other hosts? The more people take a slot, the fewer [/i]times it ends up being your turn. And I'm not talking like a huge deal, write up posters and bake pies all week in preparation event (unless you want to!), I just mean anything you would normally post a rumor or event for, as big or small as you feel like that week. The only point is that the burden of thinking of something to do shifts regularly, and people could get used to the idea that there will be at least a handful of folks up to something every week.
If you don't like bashing runs, the next week might be a storytelling event. If you're bored by fishing trips pretending to drink beer, the next one might be to the dragon's lair. I think everyone who has stuck it out is pretty keen on not only allowing[/i] but supporting[/i] and encouraging varied playstyles, and I think, being largely unsupervised, that we are the best people to do that ;)  
Just like it doesn't have to be anything fancy, it doesn't have to be individuals. The Hoff boys could be one slot, or DB & Serissa. A DM might run a quest in that slot because by definition it was good for most people, and push whomever's turn back a week. And if someone really wants to host something but hardly anyone has a character that would fit their slot's theme (say Corathite, monster race, etc), then I think we should make characters that can accomodate so that every couple weeks  is a goblin raid or something, you know? 
It's not to say you can't run something out of those times, or that anyone who ends up unfriendly to that slot is SOL. I just think that guaranteed weekly activity could potentially have a net gain for activity in general. 
Even if we only got three days claimed, it would only be one person/pair/guild's turn every three weeks, which is no sweat if you are doing an ore run, and still plenty of time if you were thinking something fancy. And, ultimately, if you can't make everyone's or you can't get into other types of events, at least you'd have the benefit of knowing that same time, every week, something's going on, and one of these weeks it will be something up your alley. 
Thoughtssssssssssssss? Takers? Questions? Best time suggestions? 

The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, Serissa, davidhoff, willhoff


General idea is understood,
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2016, 09:45:43 pm »

General idea is understood, but I'm a bit fuzzy on logistics of your proposal.  Beers starting to kick in so might be on my end.  Anyways, yes I agree that scheduled events or reocurring time slots are the way to go.  There will be times when nobody shows and times when everyone depends on the wind.  I think just a reoccuring get together is ok, but can get boring; a better idea is to theme the get together so folks know where we're going (ie, mithril, rubies, spider cave, tell poems (eeek), arena fight, etc).  If you try to do to much too often there is also a burnout factor; maybe once or twice a week with GMT'rs getting one of those slots.




« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2016, 09:56:44 pm »




davidhoff wrote:snipSo how I
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2016, 10:24:45 pm »

Quote from: "davidhoff"&cid="2760241"


So how I was thinking (with regards to burnout, themes, etc) is keeping it simple, once a week (with interest people can always do MORE but in order to keep it easy for every person, weekly is pretty laidback), and whomever's turn it is can post their own event just like they normally would - be it rubies or poems, hehe. 

Let's say at first we only get a few host-ers and it's me, you and willhoff in the same slot, and swoop, and we pick Friday, 8pm EST. 

First Friday, Acacea announces at the beginning of the week (or even earlier) that the Arms, after mourning the loss of a particular barstool wrecked beyond repair over someone's head, is replacing it with one to be imprinted with the buttcheeks of the person who comes to the party with the best Ode to Barstool. Terrible odes are had, the other people that signed up try their best to attend even if its not their thing (or make a new character with a different style!). 

Next Friday, the dwarves announce a run for mithril in Losthammer territory, and much bloodshed is had, other people that signed up try their best to attend even if it's not their thing or... 

Next Friday, Quenton has been working on his tailoring and hasn't been able to acquire the last materials he needs, and asks for interested peoples to help him acquire the skins on a hunting trip. Many skins are... ahem.

Next Friday, Acacea demands another shot at the Glittering Isles...

Next Friday, DM runs quest in that slot? *hopes!* hehe

Next Friday, Corky & Ryubi are going cave diving and are only looking for the most reckless souls to find glory with... 

Next Friday, swoop's dwarf is outraged to learn of dark elves having overrun the dwarven outposts in the Spikes and rallies kin and allies to help put them down for a time... 

Next Friday, perhaps DB & Serissa have signed on...

etc etc, and just sandwiching in additional people's turns if more sign up. The point isn't "let's fill up the calendar!" which is great, and if people start getting used to coming on again and do so, awesome... hehe. And I'd love enough interest in doing the same for GMT. It's really just an idea for a small start that I think could be sustainable even during the dead times because a) it's not reliant on any single person b) there is enough time to plan for something big, but c) low-expectation enough that if it's just a materials run, it's all good. Your turn only comes after everyone else has gone, and if that leaves some of us with lots of inspiration to run extras (or your week could actually be an all-week-long scavenger hunt that just concluded on your day, whatever!), that's bonus for everyone! 

The time/day picked would be determined by the one shared by the most people volunteering to host. Ideally everyone would be able to attend without having to run anything, but it only works if at least the people running them can go to one another's ;) I guess you could think of it as trying to establish not the ideal level of activity, but a kind of bare minimum we can chip in with.



"If you try to do to much too
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2016, 03:43:20 pm »

"If you try to do to much too often there is also a burnout factor"  This and a change in job duties plus loads of babysitting have really put a crimp in my game time.  I like the idea, but other than you rubins there aren't many who show up.  I've tried, Rofie knows,  I've tried.  I'm game, I guess.  It's just hard for me to commit to a set time these days.



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


cbnicholson wrote:"If you try
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2016, 05:05:48 pm »

Quote from: "cbnicholson"&cid="2760249"

"If you try to do to much too often there is also a burnout factor"  This and a change in job duties plus loads of babysitting have really put a crimp in my game time.  I like the idea, but other than you rubins there aren't many who show up.  I've tried, Rofie knows,  I've tried.  I'm game, I guess.  It's just hard for me to commit to a set time these days.

See, I think that this is better not as an "I'm game I guess" response, but a criticism of the suggestion's efficacy (which is not a bad thing!) - it's not meant to guilt anyone into doing anything, but rather to divide up exactly what you're talking about. If it doesn't help with that in a way that we could keep like three hosts long-term (even if they are swapped out with other people) and have a good time going to other people's events, there's no point. 

That's not to say everyone has to think it's a good idea, but definitely there needs to be enough people that can have fun with it in order for it to work and make things available to the rest, who can just drop in whenever they feel like. 

The main reason I was thinking about this sort of thing to begin with is just watching individuals start things up with good intentions, push some things on their own for a bit, and then burn out - their efforts don't bear fruit quickly or for long, and it's easier to just show up for someone else's thing than keep being the only one putting them up. (This is doubly the case for DMs.) My thinking was that if there were six hosts, it would only be your turn every month and a half. If it doesn't at all help with the issues you guys have mentioned, then there's not really any point in trudging into it, because those are the exact issues it was trying to address. That makes it a bad suggestion ;) 

Is playing once a week, organizing once a ... erm... period determined by the number of other people... too much? What about every other week? Once a month? Just trying to get an idea of what reward-for-effort seems most worth it to anyone, if anything!

If once-a-week works for anyone that would 'join', what days and times work?

(There's no obligation to host, even attending every now and again is great. We just need for there to be something to attend :P )



I can pop in with a character
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2016, 06:21:34 pm »

I can pop in with a character of one sort or another if there are going to be people on for some sort of rp event, but with the way things are in my household, I don't usually have more than a couple hours at most, probably from about 9-11 Eastern Time, and I don't have the ability to say "yeah, I can do every Thursday" or whatnot.  I -might- be able to do a day one week, but then maybe not the next.  I can do my best, but I'd definitely be better for just "Hey, Viper will be passing out drinks at the Arms on Thursday" or "Daniella will be at the Temple/Center/whatever" rather than trying to come up with an actual event/adventure.  If someone tells me which days are missing but want someone to log in, send me a message and I'll see if I can make it work. 



Generally, I have babysitting
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2016, 02:03:07 pm »

Generally, I have babysitting duty Tues- Thursdays most weeks until 7 pm CDT after a 8 hour workday.  It can go longer depending.  Best days for myself are Friday evenings, weekends with the limitation of not going too late. I literally go wool headed after 10 p.m. and am useless after.  So, ideally, Friday evenings work best for me to play, barring out of town trips and or family weekend visits. 


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


I'm good Fridays...
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2016, 05:09:03 pm »

I'm good Fridays... completely off topic, I just tracked your posts, swoop, trying to remember what times you usually posted, and I just noticed the "pipboy in the mail" comment from an older thread. So shiny! :P



I like Friday's too (starting
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2016, 01:09:12 am »

I like Friday's too (starting early evening EST) unless something comes up like guests or family coming over etc.  Thursdays can work (also in the evenings) too but I may not have as much time.  Saturdays and Sundays are hit or miss but possibilities.



I like the idea and Fridays
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2016, 10:44:31 am »

I like the idea and Fridays are usually good.  My granddaughter is visiting for the next few weeks, though, and she is keeping me hopping.  I'll do what I can.



Serissa, CB, would you guys
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2016, 11:16:05 am »

Serissa, CB, would you guys want the same or separate turns? My thinking on people sharing was pretty much the same as the whole thing - if you can't make that one, your other person can do it, hehe

Same for will/davidhoff ? swoop, do you think you could do a space if it were Friday 'early EST evenings' or are you mainly hoping to attend? (Which is fine... attendees we are in desperate need of, after all ;) )



Serissa, CB, would you guys
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2016, 12:36:14 pm »

Serissa, CB, would you guys want the same or separate turns?

As we have three pairs of duo.  DB/Lana, Charlie/Kat, Jo/Fern, probably the same.

My experience has been, having a priest/Priestess in the mix is a must for most areas. 


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Fridays are generally good
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2016, 02:09:11 pm »

Fridays are generally good for me every other Friday, but I'll try to pop in if people are on on the Fridays I don't have anything.  I generally can't spend the time that it takes to do things like Deep runs and I don't have any characters that can teleport out (nope, not a one) so I'm pretty much always having to opt out of those long xp-type runs.  But if it's a rp event or a shorter area run or one that is easy to enter/exit, it's a lot easier for what time I have available.



I'd be happy to do something
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2016, 01:15:23 pm »

I'd be happy to do something with less magically inclined folks, but may need to find said things to do first.  Haven't been widely travelling for many year and I forget where such suitable places are these days.  But I'd be game for a once a week adventure, at least for the summer.



Okay, First Round Robin is
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2016, 02:43:16 pm »

Okay, First Round Robin is up.  Let's see what happens.  Who's taking the next one?


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


I'll do next week. OP edited
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2016, 12:50:19 pm »

I'll do next week. OP edited to reflect we are doing the thing. hehe. willhoff&davidhoff, I added you because your times looked like they were good, sorry if I jumped the gun. 



I'll do what I can and happy
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2016, 03:19:18 am »

I'll do what I can and happy to try and feed the robin.  Fridays are always kinda iffy for me.  Usually M-TR is better, but we'll see.  Maybe if its my week I might jump the tracks like England and call for a Thursday dive.  



« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2016, 02:54:51 pm »


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*grumbles a voiceset "yes,
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2016, 03:29:32 pm »

*grumbles a voiceset "yes, yes"* 

I had something else in mind and was trying test runs this week to crunch it into the timeslot, hehe. No go, fallback posted ;)


