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Author Topic: Sacred Fist  (Read 454 times)


Sacred Fist
« on: July 24, 2017, 04:28:27 pm »
As per: Shadow Blows: to move No Shadow Blows to a lower Sacred Fist Level. Currently SF's No Shadow Blows is Level 8. At least 6 Levels of Cleric are required to reach the +4BAB to take Sacred Fist Levels.The Cleric's Magic Weapon/Greater Magic Weapon/Darkfire do not seem to effect the Sacred Fist's Damage or Chance to Penetrate Damage Resistance.This means the Sacred Fists main and only form of weapon other than clerical spells( his fists ) are unenchanted weapons until Level 14, and cannot beat +1 Dr. ( everyone else can use +1 weapons at Level 6 I believe, Monks 10)At Level 14 ( assuming Sacred Fist is based off Monk's Ki strike progression, since it too caps at Level 20 ) he will immediately jump to +2 weapons. This may very well be intended, but one such Player was at a decent level ( around 10 ) and unable to harm even the simplest of enemies, ( TyrantFog Zombie.. for example )I could be completely wrong about all of this... so... discuss!! =)