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Author Topic: Smelting dropped metal items.  (Read 205 times)


Smelting dropped metal items.
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:18:00 pm »
i was wondering, does the NWN engine pick up if something is player made or an dropped item, say like a iron helm? Was just wondering as it would be nice to be able to resmelt dropped items like weapons, helms, armours. Would help a little bit more on thoes who cannot mine ore. Still there are some metals they still will need to buy.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Smelting dropped metal items.
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 02:02:00 am »
"does the NWN engine pick up if something is player made or an dropped item"

Nah, if resmelting is possible, its possible for all helms, armor, etc regardless of their origin.

Since you asked this particular specific question, you probably already know of the answer in the past that resmelting items that you've made won't be done, so... yeah, since they're indistinguishable, no resmelting of finished products


