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Author Topic: Spell Visual Effect  (Read 593 times)


Spell Visual Effect
« on: March 09, 2015, 02:32:40 pm »
Would it be possible to supress the visual representation on persisent  'buff' spells such as  :Spell Resistance, Protection from Elements, Freedom of Movement  etc  ?I find that these can become quite annoying in moderate sized parties and/or group melee situations.I know of  one NWN site that does this . The visual representation disappears  a short time after casting (30 sec or so)Of course you still have the full spell effect on you and can see by the icons on your console.I think it improves the aesthic of the game as well as you can see your party members in their chosen garb.I have been told that the server also benefits in reduced computer load/ overhead. Thanks


The visual fx mean nothing to
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2015, 03:02:00 pm »

The visual fx mean nothing to the server, it's the clients who may benefit from reduced graphics lag. The elements fx was actually changed for Layonara, the colourful rune ring surrounding the players was an effect created by Thak.

As a defensive caster I don't like the idea, I'm always using the graphical representation to keep tabs on the state of the party's defenses even after the pre journey buffing. I don't want to have to examine a character to see if they need a spell again because they've been dispelled or I've forgotten. 

With all that said it's not a huge code change if the majority of the server wishes these go away. I'm afraid I can't make it client specific such that it could be controlled over who wants to see it and who doesn't.

There could be a way if someone makes the textures on the models transparent that individual players could put in their override.


