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Author Topic: Cloak of the dark unicorn  (Read 158 times)


Cloak of the dark unicorn
« on: March 23, 2009, 11:03:44 pm »
Since the cloak of the Nymph is no longer craft able, and it was the only one cloak that gave +2 to charisma that was not restricted to a certain alignment. I'd suggest that the cloak of the dark unicorn be opened to all alignments. And it's level requirement drop to maybe 10 or 11 (bracer's of Sigil are level 10 with a +2 to int and a +4 to lore)

As far as I know most equipment that actually gives a bonus to an ability score are not alignment restricted (ie the bracer of Sigil), rings and amulets, etc. This puts this much needed piece of equipment for sorcerers, bards.. and any others classes that needs CHA for something or an other in their class, unaccessible, if they are not cg.

Either that, or maybe having the Cloak of the Nymph craft able again, would be a great thing.


Re: Cloak of the dark unicorn
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 11:28:17 pm »
I disagree...  Items like the Blue Suede Shoes, and the Garbs of the Made man, or the Royal Ball Gown, give CHA bonuses.  I also believe there is a circlet or something that gives a CHA bonus.  Do we really need MORE CHA being thrown around?  We already have enough of Layonara's poor single men killing themselves over the likes of Daniella, Jaelle, even Alantha (yes, even her).  And we have enough broken hearts due to people like Flynn, Connor, and even Abiorn.

Also, compared to Stats like Str, Con, and Dex, extra CHA for the CHA-based magic users has more benefits then an increase to any other the others.  Str increases Carrying Capacity and adds +1 to Melee Damage per 2 points of Str over 10.  Con adds 1 hp per level per 2 Con over 10, and add one to Fortitude saves.  Dex adds 1 to AC (which can be capped for those of us in armor) and adds 1 to reflex save per 2 points over 10.  Cha increases the number of times you can cast, and increases the DC of spells...  Like Weird...  Thunderclap...

In Short...  I don't agree...


Re: Cloak of the dark unicorn
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 11:38:08 pm »
The circlet only gives cha at level 21.

CHA also helps with many skills, as does wis and Int. So it is not only a matter of spell casting. while most feats for fighters type of class, will either have an int dex, str or con requirement. So basically all have it's usefulness.

There are belts for wis+2, str+2 dext. Helmet that combines str and con. etc. All of those have no alignment requirements. So the fighting type have their fair share of equipments.


Re: Cloak of the dark unicorn
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 11:43:03 pm »
The Nymph Cloak +2 is a drop item, as is the Darkened Unicorn cloak.  

The alignment restriction for the Darkened Unicorn cloak has to do with its story, so this really shouldn't be about whether other items are alignment/class/race restricted.  In truth, there are plenty of such items in-game with a wide variety of bonuses.


Re: Cloak of the dark unicorn
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2009, 11:48:57 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
The Nymph Cloak +2 is a drop item, as is the Darkened Unicorn cloak.

Alright thanks. From my understanding of a convo, I understood they had completely been taken out of the templet. Guess the person had the wrong info, or I misunderstood. EH which ever.

