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Author Topic: Houses in valenske  (Read 175 times)


Houses in valenske
« on: February 20, 2007, 11:14:30 am »
I know a lot of people has been looking for houses and coudl find any, I just saw that there is a few houses in Valesnke but no dealer any where for them. That would help those wanting a house if those could be put on the market.


Re: Houses in valenske
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2007, 10:56:05 pm »
Do bear in mind that whether or not there are apparent houses with doors, it doesn't mean there's anything inside 'em.  And here I include walls, ceilings, and floors.  Housing is limited not by the number of doors one can build (in which case, a city like Prantz could have a few dozen "homes" easily, but by the number of housing areas made available by the server.  More houses, more load.  So there really aren't any houses in Valensk to "put up for sale".  (Those that have things in them, but are not player housing, could conceivably be sold, but then where would ne'erdowells and rogues practice, hmm?


RE: Houses in valenske
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 06:01:42 am »
Have a look at the screenshots that Pankoki posted a few days ago. That is Fort Vehl, or "Fort Velensk" as it is currently called. It's going to be different for V3, which is coming hopefully tonight (US time zones), I honestly don't know if there will still be houses as such in Fort Vehl or not.
  Having said that, there are two very important factors:
  1) The housing issue on West is not a matter of available exteriors but the number of interiors and how much they add to module bloat, area lag, placeable lag, etc. It's still unlikely we will add any more housing interior to West, though if we do, it will most likely be rentable multi-unit housing (think apartments).
  2) Sometime after V3 is in and stable, we will be shifting around housing on West and probably Central a bit such that the homes are less clustered and more spread out. For people who already have homes, this means that the door to the house will change location, but the interiors will stay the same. Details of this are still being worked out, so please don't freak out and don't ask for too many details...because we don't have them yet.  :)