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Author Topic: Suggestions for infusion, just a few extra wands  (Read 126 times)


Suggestions for infusion, just a few extra wands
« on: October 28, 2005, 12:39:00 pm »
Now, I realize a lot of wands were removed because they were very powerful and such. But I've looked through the available 1st, 2nd and 3rd level wands and think there are a few wands that could be added.

Here's my list, for what it's worth. I hope I got the DC for wands right, I assume it's 10 + spelllevel, with out the int-modifier.

Wand of remove blindness/deafness (5)

Was surprised it wasn't there, if it's there I really need some blindness removed. It would be a quite handy wand, I know the clarity wand can fix it as well, but for roleplay reasons I think it should be in.

Wand of lesser dispell (5) / Wand of Dispell (7)

Lesser dispell would be 1d20 + 5 vs a DC of 11 + enemy casterlevel

Dispell would be 1d20 + 7 vs a DC of 11 + enemy casterlevel.

A wand of dispell could be a bit too powerful, but a wand of lesser dispell would make a nice addition, I think.

Wand of cloud of bewilderment (5)

The duration would be 30 seconds and the DC would be 12, so not too powerful, except if you spam it... what suddenly makes me realize why it was taken out.

Wand of find traps (5)

Duration would only be 60 seconds, very usefull but probably wouldn't be fair too the people who actually put skillpoints in search and such.

Wand of Balagarn's iron horn (5)

Would be very funny, but too powerful probably.

Wand of Tasha's hideous laughter (5)

There is already a ring, so why not a wand... have I missed this one when checking the menu?

Wand of gust of wind (7)

Very nice wand to clear away acidfumes and the like. A dc of 13 against fighters will hardly make them fall over.

Wand of scintillating sphere (7)

Same as fireball, DC of 13, so why not. Happy mage if he can draw it if he's been ambushed by some earth elementals.

Wand of negative energy burst (7)

Same as the above, although the extra ability drain might make it too powerful.

So, that's basically my two cents on this. If I listed a wand that is already in the craftingmenu I probably missed it, when going through them all.