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Author Topic: Usable beds  (Read 257 times)


Usable beds
« on: August 02, 2006, 06:22:43 pm »
Any way beds could become usable to get on it then curl up or any otehr postion?


Re: Usable beds
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2006, 07:13:15 am »
There are walkmesh-enabled beds on the Vault, but redesigning existing beds would be trouble.  It'd have to be a "new feature", and old beds would likely have to stay unwalkable, since it'd be a huge headache for the design team.

Curling up... is dependant on the animations available to the engine - there is a lying-on-side emote, I believe, but you may wind up having to lie on your back or front.

I sense a certain pattern to your requests in NWN Suggestsions, though:

- Holding hands/kissing emotes  (This one would be almost impossibly difficult to code, of course, but notwithstanding..)
- New Emote for Sleeping  (Again, clipping effects and engine-enforced emotes make the way difficult.)

And now a request for usable beds?   The suspicion arises that Rain will be getting up to hanky-panky.  *laughs*


RE: Usable beds
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2006, 07:24:52 am »
Try *curls up* next time you're in-game  :)


Re: Usable beds
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2006, 07:33:56 am »
I'm already able to curl up though but i just thought that having a bed just for the look of it is a bit space consuming for nothing.  My thought on this and maybe you can correct me as I dont realy know how the coding of NWN is done, would be just to have the char lie down in any position you could give, then snore and have it heal and restore it self as if you would be choosing the rest option.  Now that would give a sence to use 300 to 800 gold piece on a pice of furniture that would not be only for the look.


Re: Usable beds
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2006, 07:35:21 am »
darkstorme - 8/4/2006  10:13 AM  I sense a certain pattern to your requests in NWN Suggestsions, though:  - Holding hands/kissing emotes  (This one would be almost impossibly difficult to code, of course, but notwithstanding..) - New Emote for Sleeping  (Again, clipping effects and engine-enforced emotes make the way difficult.)  And now a request for usable beds?   The suspicion arises that Rain will be getting up to hanky-panky.  *laughs*
 Not under the current rules on the server altought somehow rain already got Twins with Sonya hum... magic?


Re: Usable beds
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2006, 08:42:00 am »
Well, most house items are purely for decoration.  However, in addition, making beds usable has less to do with coding and more to do with model design - FAR more time-consuming.  Happily, models exist.. but then GMs would have to incorporate the existing models into the NWN hakpaks, and it couldn't be retroactive (ergo, the bed you cannot use now, you will not ever be able to use, unless a GM replaces it personally.)

A better bet would be to plunk down a "safe rest area" property on the bed, so that resting in the bed heals you completely.  Otherwise, a new variable would have to be added to all players which kept track of what emote they were CURRENTLY exhibiting.. which, given the prevalence of fire-and-forget emotes, would be a real headache.  Either that, or make the bed a conversation object, which then seizes control of the character, forces them to lie on the bed, and then engages the sleep script.

Regardless, all this is dependant on switching the stylish, CEP-designed beds currently IG for the blockier walkmesh-equipped ones.. and given the infrequency of beds except as in-house decorations, I question the benefit.


Re: Usable beds
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2006, 10:45:03 am »
after this explanation i question it to, mostly for rp reasons as it quite hillarious to sleep on the ground when you have a bed 2 feet away.  But i guess that would be to much time consuming.


RE: Usable beds
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2006, 01:17:51 pm »
An option that works if you can stand losing the big pretty bed is a futon.  You can walk right onto it, sit down, lay down, whatever.  Mikey and Honora just dropped two side by side and it works great visually when I park her for the night.


Re: Usable beds
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2006, 10:28:11 pm »
Thats an idea that need some attention and aproval from the other half of Rain (Sonya  ;) )