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Author Topic: rings of divity  (Read 132 times)


rings of divity
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:02:00 pm »
This has probably already been suggested.
Only clerics can use rings of divity but paladins use cleric spells so i think paladins should be able to use them too. Maybe they wont get 3 spells but only 2 since they get spells less often then clerics. I would like for it to be 3 since i have a paladin but others might think it better if they only get 2.

Talan Va'lash

RE: rings of divity
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2005, 09:53:00 pm »
Paladins dont use cleric spells they use spells from the paladin spell list, some of which overlap with the cleric spell list.

And since as you said paladins dont get very many spell slots or levels the rings would be overpowering.

Level 4 slots for paladins are the paladin equivalent (in terms of the level they get them at, not necissarily in terms of power) of level 8 or 9 cleric spells.  If there were to be a paladin/ranger ring, there would only be a first level one, since since anything higher is the level equivalent of higher than 3rd level spells for wiz/sorc/cleric. (the spell ring series ends at third level spells for wiz/sorc/cleric.)


RE: rings of divity
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2005, 04:07:00 pm »
muaddib - 7/7/2005  11:02 PM

This has probably already been suggested.
Only clerics can use rings of divity but paladins use cleric spells so i think paladins should be able to use them too. Maybe they wont get 3 spells but only 2 since they get spells less often then clerics. I would like for it to be 3 since i have a paladin but others might think it better if they only get 2.

I believe that this may be a nice alternative to Paladins having Charisma boosting items on all the time. A Ring of Virtue, or something, which at varying levels, grants a bonus to spells up to the Third Level. Fourth Level bonuses would be overpowering. Holy Sword is just too powerful to have more castings of it.


RE: rings of divity
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2005, 04:17:00 pm »
Ya thats sounds good paladins need a spell ring to.