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Author Topic: Is your guild or group recruiting?  (Read 1560 times)

Pen N Popper

Is your guild or group recruiting?
« on: February 02, 2008, 01:18:34 pm »
Is your guild or group recruiting new members?

Please post below if your guild is recruiting members.  Some things to include in your recruiting message:
  • Who does one contact to inquire further?  (Forum name(s) for PMs)
  • Are there general restrictions to membership?  (Race, alignment, etc.)
  • How often and when does your guild or group meet?  When?
  • Are there activities outside of the guild meetings that members undertake together? (eg. They work together gathering crafting resources.)
  • What type of player are you looking for?  (eg. A few hours a week playtime is alright.  Heavy RP with little adventure.)
Some groups may be secretive and want to avoid the chance of metagaming with too many details.  If this is the case, might I suggest you find a friendly GM to post on your behalf.  Examples are thieves' guilds, evil gods' churches, contract assassins, etc.

I know there are some old guilds out there that would be fun to see brought back to life.  There are also some current guilds that could expand their influence in the world with young blood.



Re: Is your guild or group recruiting?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2008, 11:10:00 pm »
Quote from: Pen N Popper
  • Who does one contact to inquire further?  (Forum name(s) for PMs)
  • Are there general restrictions to membership?  (Race, alignment, etc.)
  • How often and when does your guild or group meet?  When?
  • Are there activities outside of the guild meetings that members undertake together? (eg. They work together gathering crafting resources.)
  • What type of player are you looking for?  (eg. A few hours a week playtime is alright.  Heavy RP with little adventure.)

The Farstriders are actively recuriting.  Their primary focus is help others and each other.  They aiding members achieve the goals of the group.  Particularly on quests.  This is done through the sharing of information and resources.  We have successfully influenced a number of plot quest and minor quest outcomes.  The group has a rich history dating back to before the fall of Sinthar Bloodstone.

Meetings are few and far between due to diverse timezones.  Additional roleplay is done through in character use of the forums and PM system.

The group is diverse over race and religion, however, there is a strong bias towards friends of the Longstrider.

All we are after as a player is mature role play and fun.

Entry into the guild is through role-play with active group members.   Talk to us in character and in game to find out more.

Jin Lun Lee, Armolas Folian, Grenna Rockbasher, Argali Trueaxe


Re: Is your guild or group recruiting?
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 04:53:51 pm »
Quote from: Pen N Popper
  • Who does one contact to inquire further?  (Forum name(s) for PMs)
  • Are there general restrictions to membership?  (Race, alignment, etc.)
  • How often and when does your guild or group meet?  When?
  • Are there activities outside of the guild meetings that members undertake together? (eg. They work together gathering crafting resources.)
  • What type of player are you looking for?  (eg. A few hours a week playtime is alright.  Heavy RP with little adventure.)
In case no one noticed, the Council of Hope is actively recruiting.
  • Contact me, ShiffDrgnhrt, or Yllyrryon if you are interested, but right now I am around IG much more often.
  • No restrictions, but good aligned is prefered, but if your evil and wanna be sneaky good luck.  All Members are reviewed first of course, so that means your not invited, G'ork ;)
  • Yes, things like material drives are done to help with any fundraising the Council does, and we also go on "Training Trips" to improve members skill in the more "hands on" methods we imploy.  Also Group CDTs may be done to get things done for the council, as well as participating in Quests that make sense for the Council to be involved in.  At the same time each member has some freedom to do things on their own.  (Talk to me about the specifics of that)
  • Anyone can join, but of course people who are on somewhat regularly is prefered.  No point in joining if your only on once a month or something, but we don't hold that against anyone.  No one will be kicked out of the Council just because of "poor attendance."  RP is of course a cornerstone to any active Guild, and it is expected of members to be willing to RP.  Those solely after XP or Crafting might not find this your place to be, but again no one is excluded.
Okay so thats my rant about the Council of Hope.  See me IG for more Info as well as a look at the Principles of the Council, as well as Info about what the Council is/has doing/done.

