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Author Topic: The Ballad of Gromak and Harri as sung by Mangus Crunch  (Read 917 times)


The Ballad of Gromak and Harri as sung by Mangus Crunch
« on: June 24, 2014, 03:05:28 pm »
The Ballad of Gromak and Harri as sung by Mangus Crunch
Sung to the tune of...
...let's not kid ourselves. Where Mangus's singing is concerned there isn't much in the way of tune involved.
...let alone tone.
Just try to imagine a drunk half naked Orc dancing on a table at the One Eyed Harpy singing this song. 
...Actually, maybe you shouldn't try to imagine that.
Oh Er went on er journey
In search er some bounty
With me mateys er Gromak an' Harri.
Dem giants an' ogres 
We felled dem real slow 'cause
We wasn't in too much er hurry!
Dem giants, dey frowned,
Said, "me smash yew down!"
But quickly we flanked'm an' parried
An' Er runs around   
Lay me club to dey crowns
An' beats'em with Gromak an' Harri!
An' Er git's...
Silver an' gold, 
silver an'gold, 
dese is deh things 
what makes er Orc happy" 
Silver an' gold
Never git's old
Fer me an' Gromak an' Harri!
Den iron an' platinum,
Will easily fatten an
Orc with deh coin he will git!"
An' Gromak and him
An' Harri will win
More on er really good bet!"
At Leningrad 
We'll win at cards
An' drink away all our lute
An' den eef we wins,
We'll repent our sins
At houses of ill repute!
An' we git's...
Silver an' gold, 
silver an'gold, 
dese is deh things 
what makes er Gnome happy" 
Silver an' gold
Never git's old
Fer me an' Gromak an' Harri!
An' me an' Gromak an' Harri
We will take a ferry
Off to Leningrad
To spend all our money
On cards, booze an' honeys
An' any thing else what's bad!
An' iff'n we looses
We'll finish our boozes
Without deh slightest worry
Cause we kin do it again
Ogres, an' Giants an den
To Leningrad in er hurry!
An' git's...
Silver an' gold, 
silver an'gold, 
dese is deh things 
what makes er Elf happy
Silver an' gold
Never git's ooooold
//Big finnish!//
Fer me an' Gromak an' Harri!
Hahaha hahahaaaa!
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