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Author Topic: There's this...  (Read 788 times)


There's this...
« on: June 17, 2014, 10:30:46 pm »
                 Two pebbles
All the pebbles in the river are green.
All the pebbles on the riverbed are white
One of the green pebbles in the river said to one of the white pebbles on the riverbed; " I like you. You are white and beautiful,  and I want to be nearer to you."
And the white pebble on the riverbed said; "I like you. You are green and beautiful,  and I want to be nearer to you."
Then One thousand years passed.
There they remained.
And the white pebble on the riverbed said to the green pebble in the river; "I still like you and I still want to be nearer to you."
And the green pebble in the river said; " I still like you and I still want to be nearer to  you."
Another thousand years passed
There they remained
The white people said; " I want to be near you!"  The green pebble said; " I want to be near you!"
On that day, the wolf was chasing the deer.  
The wolf was getting closer and closer, nearer and nearer.
The dear knew that if she crossed the river it would slow the wolf down, so she raced across the river, and it worked! It's slowed the wolf down. The deer got  away. The wolf gave up the chase.
But when the deer raced across the river she kicked up both the white pebble and the green pebble,
When it was all over the white pebble said; " I am in the river!  Where are you?" and the green pebble said; "I am on the riverbed!"
In one thousand years the white pebble turned green and the green pebble turned white, and a day came when the wolf caught  the deer.
This is the way of time.
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